Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

#035 Johnny Depp’s WIN Gives a Voice to Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse

Clip from Episode #035 of Healing Laughter Podcast by Katie Utterback, CLC

As sick and tired as you may be of hearing takes on the Johnny Depp Amber Heard defamation case and what the verdict means for abuse cases in the future, I’ve got some shit to say.

For me, This case is not about free speech like Amber Heard wants you to believe.

This is not about men vs women.

It’s about right vs wrong

Abusers vs survivors

This case is a reckoning moment in my mind; it’s forcing us to acknowledge that if the me too movement is going to succeed; if we’re going to clean up how we treat one another and start to actually protect one another, we MUST include men too if we really want more peace and love on this planet.

When I say we must treat one another better, that doesn’t mean you have to let toxic people use and abuse you. On the contrary, To consciously stay in an abusive situation because your abuser has been hurt too is idiot compassion; it doesn’t do anyone any good in the long term or short term. It just perpetuates generational trauma, cycles of abuse, and keeps you playing small, stuck in a pool of lower vibrational energies like shame, guilt, fear, doubt

If you’re not familiar with narcissism or narcissistic abuse, let me be clear: narcissists love to operate in gray areas. They love to make their abuse seem rational or like they were acting out of concern. They love to push you until you get to a point where you react and then they sit there and say see, look how crazy and abusive they are. 

That’s what makes this kind of abuse so damaging for the target of abuse; the number of people who believe you when you are the target of narcissistic abuse is usually very small.

It’s not typically Johnny Depp level numbers, but even in his case, this is 6 years of dealing with lies and smear campaigns and it took five and a half years for Johnny Depp to win back public support. 

And by the way – he fought in court to get this trial to play out on TV in public for this exact reason. Amber Heard is the one who wanted to keep everything shut and silenced. 

So I agree with what Ben Chew said in his closing: the truth is worth fighting for 💜

But unlike these free speech advocates who say that this verdict has silenced Amber Heard and an entire generation of women, I disagree that you have the right to say whatever the fuck you want whenever you want.

So to all survivors of narcissistic abuse, I see you, I believe you, I love you 🌊💕

If you have any questions or would like to work 1:1 with me to heal from toxic relationships or #narcissistic abuse, you can schedule an appointment at