Self-Love Spirituality


Today, November Eleventh, is a powerful day for transformation, wishes coming true, and for planting the seeds necessary to grow into your highest self.

It’s known as the 11/11 portal and is one of the most potent and powerful times of the year for stepping forward as the version of yourself that you know you are deep down as the energy often carries a new sense of self awareness, almost as if its an energetic reset in the 3D level where low vibrational energies like shame, fear, guilt, distrust, and lack reign supreme. 

In 2022, the potent power of 11/11 gets a boost because the year is 2022 so the entire date is made up of powerful numbers, two of the three most powerful numbers in the entire universe. 11-11-22.

In spirituality, numbers are incredibly important, just as important as our words and spelling. 

In my experience, it’s almost easier for those who don’t identify as spiritual to see the importance of words – what you say, what you think, and what you believe – especially now that manifestation has become used in daily conversations on a mainstream level. 

But numbers also tell a story.

Numbers tell us a story, similarly to astrology and human design. They act as puzzle pieces, clues, archetypes to help us remember who we are, what our life purpose is all about, what kind of karmic experiences we may encounter on our life path, and soul much more.

In numerology, double-digit numbers are rare, so if there is a double digit number present, it’s time to sit up and take notice because that number holds a tremendous amount of power and meaning. 

The number 11 in numerology represents a creative leader, compassionate advisor, active listener, spiritual awareness, psychic powers channeled directly from a spiritual source that often carry messages that encourage humanity to grow, expand, and love.

But like I mentioned before, there are only a few double digit numbers in numerology. Three to be exact, 11, 22, and 33. So when we are working with an 11 for example, we wouldn’t add the two digits together to find the numerology like we would if the digits were different from one another. But because it’s an exception not the rule, the energy of adding the 1+1 together to create 2 still exists. 

So the number 11 still carries with it the energy of a 2, such as harmony, empathy, and sensitivity. But because the number we’re working with is an 11, the energy takes what the number two brings forward and goes deeper, it utilizes these traits in a more profound way.

Also, because there are two 1’s, the energy of the number one is also present. Number one’s energy is all about truth, creativity, wisdom, hope, and discovering the answers that guide us along our life’s path. When combined with more than one one, the energy is amplified and we can see our next steps unfold with crystal clear clarity. 

11/11 Portal

Some believe the 11/11 portal is like an energetic New Year, a time to start fresh. But I view it as more of a halfway point through the astrological year, where we are being given this opportunity to stop and think about how our year has gone so far. 

Especially when you combine the power of 11/11 with the two other portal dates happening around this time you can see why this is not the start of a New Year: 

  • On October 10 we experienced the 10/10 portal of Awakening
  • On November 11 we experience the 11/11 portal of Healing, Forward Momentum
  • And on December 12 we will experience the 12/12 portal of Self Mastery – stability, balance and harmony.

There’s a lot of growth, healing and awakening happening right about now. This is again why I follow the astrological calendar and begin the New Year with the Aries New Moon in the Spring. It’s a lot easier to set a goal for yourself when things are growing and blooming again and it’s not freezing cold.

Plus if you look at nature, we are in autumn, fall in the northern hemisphere.

We just had the Beaver Moon, the Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus earlier this week on Nov. 8, so I find this day to be one where we are encouraged to slow down. To take time to think about what’s working in our lives, taking time to integrate all of the lessons we’ve learned, all the new parts of ourselves we have discovered in the last few months. 

As I shared with you about the Total Lunar Eclipse Beaver Moon, it’s called the Beaver Moon because this is when Native Americans noticed the beavers and other animals were making the last final touches on their habitats and gathering food because winter is right around the corner. And in winter so many animals rest. They don’t just slow down, they completely stop. They eat and rest, that’s about it. And humans are animals to some degree, we’ve completely forgotten though that rest is just as important as action when it comes to manifesting and creating a life that is a fuck yes.

So today on 11/11/22 – the most powerful November 11 we’ve experienced since 11/11/1999, my wish for you is to slow down. For you to view the numbers – 11 / 11 – as portals, entryways, doors, paths that you can take to step forward as a more authentic version of you. 

Allow your mind to dream big and to not just envision your dreams coming true, but to imagine what it feels like in your body when the wishes you hold in your heart become your reality. 

Don’t worry about the how. Imagine you found a magic lamp and a Genie has granted you your every wish – or something better – are you going to edit every wish you make and ask how exactly the Genie will make this work this round? I bet not. 

Even if what you’re manifesting doesn’t come true immediately, the number one indicates we are planting seeds, we are starting something new. And when I look ahead at the moon cycles, the upcoming Sagittarius New Moon will be at 1 degree, and it kicks off a series of five New Moon’s in a row all occurring at 1 degree.

So to me, this tells me that this 11/11 portal is the kick off of something BIG. And it may only get bigger with these upcoming New Moons. 

But then again, 2023 is a 7 year in numerology. A 7 year brings choices, drastic changes, making key decisions, and chaos. We’re also going to begin 2023 with Mercury and Mars retrograde, which further illustrates chaos and changes, things being out of our control. 

So today on 11/11/2022, it’s not a bad idea to take some time and think about ways you are trying to assert control in your external world in order to feel safe.

What can you do to lessen your white knuckle grip and still feel safe in this world just as you are?

Remember energy flows where our attention goes. And on a day filled with potent powers of new beginnings, paying extra attention to your thoughts, your words, and any numerical patterns popping up in your life will be worth listening to.