
4.4.22 portal ✨

4.4.22 portal ✨

Successful manifestation often requires you to go within your subconscious, to heal subconscious beliefs rooted in scarcity, lack, fear, and other lower vibrational experiences that keep us playing small.

This is why trust, completely surrendering, and gratitude are keys to manifesting your dream life.

If we don’t subconsciously agree we are deserving of what we want or if we don’t believe it’s possible, if we are afraid of the judgment that comes along with what we are manifesting, calling in, we will sabotage our success.

We will sabotage our manifestations from coming into fruition, we will be completely oblivious to the “something better” blessings the universe showers us with constantly and consistently.

Although it can be scary, surrendering and trusting in the universe, it is safe to do so.

And on this 4/4/22 portal, we are invited to truly surrender and TRUST ourselves, our intuition, that everything is working out best case scenario – even if our immediate future is unknown.

4422 is a sign of hope. To stay positive and keep the faith. To practice gratitude for the relationships, blessings and opportunities that surround you💕✨

Remember, abundance is your birth right and abundance being a birth right means there is ALWAYS enough for everybody, ALWAYS ✨

I love you 💕