Self-Love Spirituality

8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal

The 8/8 gateway is coming up, also known as the Lion’s portal or the Lion’s gateway. 

This is actually an energetic, cosmic event that happens every year on or around August 8, which is why it’s called the 8-8 portal. It happens on the 8th day of the 8th month of the year and it’s usually a day filled with love, the power of manifestation is incredibly potent because the veil between worlds, that what separates the spirit world, from the dense earthly realms, is incredibly thin. 

Meaning high vibrational frequencies are available to you and everyone else, allowing love, prosperity, and abundance in all ways to enter our lives if we choose to flow in a state of love, peace, joy, freedom, gratitude. 

In numerology, the number eight is incredibly potent and powerful because the symbol of the number eight looks pretty much identical to the infinity symbol. And in love, in life, in the spirit world, when it comes to energy, there is always movement, energy is always in motion, but it’s neutral.

Energy is neutral. It’s our perception of the energy based on our life experiences, our soul challenges, our level of fear, how awake and in tune with our higher self we are, that affects our perception of whether energy is good or bad, positive or negative, but there’s always the option of neutrality.

Energy can also be neutral. And that’s really something I’ve been working on personally in 2022 is removing my ego and my attachment to things in the external world – people, food, material items, so that I can develop a sense of safety, a sense of worth, love, joy, gratitude with just me, myself and I as I am.

Currently we are in Leo season, when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo.

Leos are represented by the lion, they are ruled by the sun, they are fiery passionate individuals who love to party and have a good time, to be around other people and celebrate life and just how awesome it is to be alive, but Leos are also likely to express themselves in dramatic, creative and assertive ways. 

As a fire sign, Leos have a lot of energy and passion, they are initiators, they bring people together by creating, having fun, enjoying themselves. They are natural leaders who do possess a lot of integrity and determination. But Leos can also be a little self-indulgent, come off a little cocky, that’s just how confident they are in themselves. 

Leo energy is very proud or prideful. Leos can be quite determined and usually get their way when they really want to. So a challenge for anyone with strong Leo placements, if you are a Leo sun or Leo rising, is to temper any tendency for arrogant or egotistical behavior and to instead develop humility and compassion; to learn detachment and how to radiate their abundant energy freely and enhance the life experience of others around them.

When the sun and moon are both in Leo, it’s usually a sign of Love. Leo rules the heart so Leo season is often celebrated as a time to live in our heart energy, to focus on what opens your heart, to focus on and celebrate love, but not just partnered love, self love. Leo is also the natural ruler of the Fifth House, the fifth house is all about creativity, self-expression, children, romance, and affection so really feelings of love, enjoying life, it’s all amplified at this time. 

Oftentimes the stereotype for Leo’s has been the party animal of the Zodiac. Which is true, Leo season is work hard play hard if there ever was a zodiac to represent that energy. But we must not forget that Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. Notice I said individualized expressions of the divine.

Jupiter went retrograde on July 29, the day after the illuminated new moon in Leo, which signaled to us that the energy really was inviting us to slow down and spend time within our own hearts, minds, and bodies.

I don’t use the word Divine here lightly either because the significance of this date, the Lion’s gate, the Lion’s portal on 8/8, goes back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, when this astrological spiritual gateway, the thinning of the veil was observed, honored and celebrated as a time of great energetic influx and activation when the spiritual light is available to us and we are able to focus our energies toward soul embodiment, abundance, harvest, and fertility.

Which means that the time around the 8-8 Lions Gate is powerful for manifestation, love and prosperity!

In Ancient Egypt, there was a belief that the gods descended from the belt of Orion, and that Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, became the Goddess Isis, and she along with Orion, who became the god Osiris, created human civilization together. Orion was also important to ancient Egyptian culture because its stars represented Sah, the father of the Egyptian gods.

So one theory is that in honor of the Gods, the Ancient Egyptians created the pyramids to replicate Orion’s belt on the sands of the Earth. The size and placement of the pyramids take into account the brightness and location of the stars in Orion’s belt, including the relationship between Sirius and Orion’s belt.

It’s also worth noting that the pyramid’s face true north even though the earth has shifted and the geography of continents has shifted. 

So that just kind of adds to the mystery behind the pyramids or just one of the many mysteries behind the pyramids.

Another interesting thing to note is that it takes about 26,000 years for the stars of Orion’s belt to complete a full cycle. 13,000 years to descend to the lowest point, 13,000 years to ascend up to the highest point.

That stuck out to me because I started studying numerology and HISTORY of women in the last few years and turns out the number 13 was historically seen as lucky, not evil.

13, and Friday the 13th, were once viewed as extremely lucky days. Days blessed by the power of divine, goddess energy, feminine blessings because the moon, a feminine energy, has 13 cycles in a year. And women experience 13 menstrual cycles each year.

But what Friday the 13th was all about changed when the patriarchy began to fear and demonize spirituality, nature, crystals, weed, and even women. They burned women who were healers, light workers, empaths, holistic types because they feared our power, our light, our love, our ability to alchemize pain and fear and turn it into success and growth.

So whenever I see a 13, I take it as a cue, a clue from the universe that there is feminine energy of blessings, abundance, rest, being provided for here. And this energy is available to every single one of us. It’s not just for women or those who identify as women. We all have feminine energy and masculine energy.

So, it’s clear that the pyramids hold some kind of celestial significance.

Additionally, 2022 has a special relationship with the number 13 because there are 13 up level full moon moments in 2022, a year that, as I said back in December 2021, would be all about authenticity.

In December I shared that in 2022, You will be pushed to figure out what the authentic version of you truly wants, needs, and desires on an individual level as well as a collective level. And there’s not going to be a lot of room for error, for you to not be authentically you.

Each Full Moon in 2022 carries with it tremendous power, a gift. Each full moon carries with it an intense up level energy like a bang of the gong. It was loud, dramatic, and is still being felt, still reverberating when the next full moon rolls around, further amplifying the metamorphosis process we’re currently swimming in until we get to December 2022. 

In December 2022 we will have a Full Moon experience unlike any we’ve ever felt before. If you didn’t do the work in 2022, if you allowed yourself to succumb to density, to fear, to the comfort of what is familiar, you’ll enter into 2023 from where we were energetically in December 2021. It will feel as if 2022 was a Groundhog Day experience. And that’s fine if that’s what you choose, but there is another option.

if you do the work. If you take time to breathe. To consciously show up as your true authentic self, you will experience the magic and the blessing it is to be YOU. Abundance will be around you in all ways, always and you will once again live in a heaven on earth, a paradise garden of Eden.

Deep Breath. This is not meant to scare you.

In truth, we are at a moment of EXTRAORDINARY transformation and blessings, but that also means that everything and anything that could stop you is also in your face.

Density. Fear. Greed. Jealousy. Polarity.

Even if you can’t see it, there are BIG transformations occurring on an energetic level right now and it’s been happening all year long and no, we’re not even close to being done. 

We have the last super full moon of the year coming up next week, when we have the Aquarius Full Moon on Aug. 11. 

Also coming up: Mars is going to go retrograde in Gemini for about 6 months coming up, and this is big because Mars normally spends about six weeks or so in a particular sign. So this is a long time for Mars to be in any zodiac, let alone Gemini.

We have Uranus in Taurus – it’s been there since 2018, but Uranus and Taurus are not the best of friends. We had that triple conjunction in Taurus on July 31 and Aug. 1, which meant something explosive, surprising, possibly galactic entered our energy, and Uranus is going to continue hanging out in Taurus until 2026. So we could see Taurean topics further influenced or affected by that Uranian energy – finances, economy, food, the body, the Earth, there could be disruptions in any or all of these areas. 

And another round of eclipse season is happening this October – it’s August right now, so if we’re following the energetic cadence, the rule of threes, August, September, October, we’re already swimming in that energy of eclipse season. And the eclipses remember are affecting Taurus and Scorpio and possibly other fixed signs like Leo and Aquarius more than any other sign. That’s because the North NOde is in Taurus, the South Node is in Scorpio and that particular transit lasts about 18 months.

The North Node entered Taurus, South Node entered Scorpio around January 2022, so we have about a year or so to go with these nodal placements. So really the energy is affecting fixed signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius more than any other sign through October/November 2023.

There’s a lot of change, a lot of fixed structures, fixed energy – things that don’t want to change, resists change, – are changing. As we move into the Age of Aquarius the importance of every voice being heard, of no one being left out, left behind is increasingly important. Emotional intelligence is increasingly important, as is having a personal culture of things that you do that make you feel like you again.

This can look like taking a conscious deep breath, inviting the oxygen to flow into our body consciously, asking our body what it needs, telling our body that we remember and that we love ourselves, drinking water, dancing, eating a nutritious diet. Consuming media that is good for our body, mind and soul too. Music, books, poetry, relationships, where are you focusing your energy? Where are you spending your time? Your money? Are you in a scarcity mindset or one of abundance?

During the 8-8 Lions Gate Portal Orion’s Belt appears to directly align with the Pyramid of Giza, and from our perspective on Earth, it appears that Sirius (the brightest star we can see) comes closer to the Earth.

For a little “cosmic perspective,” the star Sirius is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter!

This is why the Lion’s Gate is such a profound and powerful time; there is so much light and love.

The energies of Sirius and this gateway are particularly focused on soul embodiment, abundance, harvest, and fertility. Which means that the time around the 8-8 Lion’s Gate is powerful for manifestation, love and prosperity.

The energy is also creating a new slate and clearing out more old densities and programs you are carrying because it’s making space for the new that is coming. But again it’s all relative to the work we do on ourselves. 

Energy, the moon, the stars, the Lion’s Gate portal will never bring you anything on its own. Energy is neutral. We must shift internally to witness and experience the change. It doesn’t just show up on its own and do the hard work of clearing trauma, old energy, karmic energy. You have to do your part to clear out the old dense energy and invite in joy, love, abundance, peace so that you recognize it when you see it in yourself. 

In these tough times when we are growing, learning, alchemizing, expanding, trust that you are on the right path. Keep going, trust your gut. Jupiter retrograde energy is learning to trust yourself, even when our external world tells us we are wrong and misguided. When your intuition is screaming at you, do you have enough self love, self trust to stay your course?

When I feel lost, overwhelmed, unsure, I go outside, look up at the stars, the planets, the moon, and ask for guidance and support using the mantra of self ascension, 

  • I AM here
  • I AM open
  • I AM ready
  • Guide Me

I also try to ask myself: 

  • What do I need from me?
  • What does my inner child need from me?

When I started my healing journey, it wasn’t about me. I identified as an empath and wanted to help others heal. But as I and other spiritual coaches can attest to, most healers end up doing massive inner healing work when they launch their own business. And that is because when we see the highest potential in others, what we’re really seeing is the highest potential in ourselves. But most of us who are empathetic, who experienced childhood trauma, were parentified, enmeshed, we were not taught how to care for ourselves. 

So when you look in the mirror at your own reflection, do you say to yourself: I love you and I will care for you. You are safe with me and I will take care of you. 

No, most of us criticize and nitpick our reflection. But if we stopped, if we took the time to look back at ourselves and care for our internal world, then that kind of love and care would be reflected back to us in our external world. 

If you are what you eat, then you are what you think and what you say too. It all affects your soul. 

And have you ever stopped to think about how you are so much more than what you perceive yourself to be. So use this Lion’s gate portal energy to let go of what you think you know and start to observe the world around you more. 

Let go of what you were told and breathe in, knowing, even if just for a second, that you matter. 

I want to invite you to use this Lion’s gate portal as a time to be vulnerable; to live a life that when you look back and reflect on everything, you say, wow, I’m really glad I did that instead of I wish I would have done x y or z

Remember 2022 is a year where density is testing us collectively and individually. The challenges we experienced have only increased as we have progressed deeper into this year; we’re being tested to see if we truly trust the universe. If we can hold space for love, peace, joy, trust, while our ego is screaming at us to hide, to succumb to fear, to panic, to anger.

Because that’s thing about our ego – our ego resists change, but our ego is the first to dance and celebrate when the new blessings arrive. Such a sly pirate.

So use this potent energy to develop a deep sense of self trust and learn to recognize yourself at this new deeper level. Because this is a time of enlightenment or our lion moment. Do you love yourself enough and trust yourself enough to be seen for who you really are? 

Like the lioness leaving her cave, we know there are poachers out there who are waiting for the perfect shot. Just like most of us feel embarrassed to share all parts of ourselves. But it’s in that vulnerability that true beauty exists; it’s in that vulnerability that we can connect with others.

So can you trust yourself to rise and break the cycle? Can you rise and remember the truth of who you are?

Are you ready to trust the universe enough to let go of your own bullshit and trust yourself once and for all?

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