astrology Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon | July 5, 2024

On July 5, 2024, we have a New Moon in Cancer at 3:57 PM Pacific Time.

The Moon will be at 14 degrees and 23 minutes of Cancer. The Moon is at home in Cancer so the energy of this New Moon may feel expanded, like it’s on steroids, especially since it’s bookended by two back-to-back Full Moons in Capricorn. 

Cancer is the nurturer of the zodiac.

Cancer is the natural ruler of the fourth house, which is all about our home life, the mother, family, our emotional well-being, ancestral roots, and feelings.

It’s an energy that is all about family, family roots, feeling nurtured, supported, taken care of, but also taking care of others. It’s that maternal energy that is empathetic, sensitive, wanting to protect those we love.

Cancer is the sign of the Mother, representing motherhood, pregnancy, children, and rules parts of our body including our breastbone, stomach, and womb.

Cancerian topics also include housing, property, food, nurturing, children, things having to do with caring or hospitality industries, such as social work and nursing.

Like the crab symbol that represents Cancer astrologically, the soft heart of Cancer is protected by a hard shell. 

So Cancer, like the crab, is an energy that has a tough outer shell, it puts on a tough appearance, tough upper lip, but under the surface, there’s a waterfall of emotions flowing, and that is Cancerian energy. The crab has a tough outer shell, but a soft heart.

Cancerian energy is all about our home life, which makes sense given that Cancer is the natural ruler of the fourth house, which is all about our home life, the mother, family, our emotional well-being, ancestral roots, and feelings.

The big emphasis on home and emotional security is why those with strong Cancerian placements tend to be more security-conscious and highly value their home life compared to other signs.

They feel their best when their home is a safe, nurturing, warm space, and all of their loved ones are in a happy, healthy place.

Those with strong Cancer placements may appear passive, and tend to rely on their feelings to make decisions more so than logic.

Although Cancer is a cardinal sign, meaning it’s initiating, pioneering, creative, and enterprising, Cancerian energy is moody and subtle, rather than clear and direct, largely due to the fact that Cancerian energy sometimes acts like a sponge.

Those with strong Cancerian placements can sometimes be like little emotional sponges and they can feel the emotional needs of those around them, which again plays into their nurturing role and why they are overly concerned with the emotional well-being of their family and loved ones.

Their home life really affects their sense of self and sense of safety; and this is not a bad thing if you have strong Cancer placements.

Cancer New Moon: July 2024 Horoscope

If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here

A Cancer New Moon is often a potent New Moon for plant the seeds for manifesting pregnancy or relationship-related news like engagements. Or perhaps you find a reason to love and care for yourself more around this time because you start to understand that when I am kind, patient, and nurturing to myself, there is a ripple effect on my external world.

The reason I bring up self love and filling up your own cup is because Cancerian energy has a tendency to come off as emotional or moody because it’s a water sign. But unlike the other water signs like Pisces who is openly emotional or Scorpio whose emotions almost appear to be frozen over, the emotional energy of Cancer is hard to pinpoint because it’s constantly changing.

How will this Cancer New Moon affect you?

Find which house Cancer rules in your natal chart. This will tell you which area of your life you’ll want to set a new intention in.

Be mindful of where you focus your energy at this time. In about six months from now when we talk about the Cancer Full Moon, we’ll be harvesting the seeds we planted during this New Moon.

Find which area of your natal chart is ruled by Cancer.

This is the area of your life you’re planting the seeds of new beginnings in.

If you have any personal planets or angles around 14 degrees of Cardinal Signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Virgo, you are likely to feel this Cancer New Moon energy the most.

If you are an: Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces, and/or Virgo Rising or Sun: You are likely to enjoy this Cancer New Moon the most, as you have natal planets and angles forming harmonious aspects. Take advantage of this positive momentum and set a powerful intention in this area of your life.

If you are a: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and/or Leo Rising or Sun: This is not the most powerful New Moon for you, as your natal planets are not really activated during the Cancer New Moon. However, it’s still important to set an intention in this area of your life as other energy is also at play.

If you are a: Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and/or Libra Rising or Sun: You are likely to find this time around the Cancer New Moon a bit more turbulent as there are challenging angles with your natal planets. Remember challenges are good for our growth. And before we can welcome new things, we have to get rid of the old energy.

If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here