
You are a Badass like Elle Woods

Remember how much of a badass Elle Woods was when she got a 179 on her LSAT’s and was accepted into Harvard Law?!

We were all so proud of Elle in that moment. It was like we were all lifting her up as viewers, we were all enjoying the confetti and streamers celebrating our girl’s success. Even just thinking about that scene gives me all the feels. But one I feel the most prominently is pride.

I’m proud that a fellow blonde with big boobs who likes to wear pink was successful in her attempt to get at least a 175 on the LSAT. I’m proud a woman with a fashion merchandising major was accepted into Harvard Law School. And I’m proud someone who her classmates believed would fail ended up being valedictorian of her law school class.

Well, guess what: You are equally badass as Elle Woods.

You are capable of anything and everything you set your mind to – no matter what anyone else says or thinks.