Self-Love Spirituality

Setting Yourself Up for Success in 2021 with Katie Utterback, CLC

At the beginning of a New Year, many people feel inspired to set new goals when it comes to fitness, nutrition, finances, relationships, and more. We may feel inspired to do something new like take a dance class we’ve been longing to take or save our money for a dream vacation.

Despite all of the optimism at the beginning of the year, many people end up completely giving up on their resolutions and goals just six weeks into the new year. SIX WEEKS!

Why is that?

Well, sometimes we set goals for ourselves that we never really had any interest in. We fall into the trap of believing we SHOULD do something and then when we are unsuccessful at completing the thing we thought we SHOULD do, we beat ourselves up. We start to question if we’re an imposter. If we’re actually who we say we are or think we are deep down.

Join Certified Life Coach Katie Utterback for a guided workshop on how to develop SMART goals and how to use meditation, the law of attraction, and positive affirmations to create the life of your dreams.

During our workshop you’ll learn:

  • How to turn your resolutions & goals into SMART goals
  • Participate in a 2021 manifestation activity
  • & be guided in a meditation

Purchase tickets here. VIP tickets include a journal to help you record all of your heart’s wants, needs, and desires.