Self-Love Spirituality

Libra New Moon 2022

The Libra New Moon will occur at 2:54 PM Pacific on Sept. 25, 2022 at 2 degrees and 49 minutes of Libra.

Have a look and see where do you have 2 degrees of Libra in your chart?

Which area of your life is being stimulated by this Libra New Moon?

Libra Energy

Personally I like Libra season because in addition to Taurus, Libra is naturally ruled by the planet Venus. Venus is the Goddess of love, beauty, and relationships, so it’s not surprising that Librans are known for their good taste, elegance and charm. They are seekers of harmony and beauty.  

Artistic pursuits of all kinds provide an outlet for Libras’ love of beauty, again another Venusian quality. So Libra energy benefits from strengthening their will to act in favor of their higher purpose, which ultimately lies in dedicating themselves to humanity at large. That’s the social justice element. 

Libra’s natural mode of living is in partnership with others.

Intimate relationships are quite important to them, as are issues of social justice, keep in mind that the symbol used to represent Libra in the zodiac is actually the scales of justice. 

Do you know someone or have you ever met someone who goes out of their way to avoid conflict and always seems to act as a mediator because they understand and empathize with all sides of a dispute?

That’s Libra energy; it can be annoying when you want someone to validate your point in an argument, but Libras will go out of their way to avoid a quarrel and can struggle to make a decision if they feel unsure as to how this decision may affect others because they can understand different perspectives fairly easily. That’s part of being an air sign. 

Libras forever hope that all parties in a conflict will be satisfied. And given that Libra is the natural ruler of the 7th house, which is all about marriage and partnerships, issues relating to other people, you can see why Libra energy is so diplomatic. Libra energy is people-person energy, but because the shadow side is Aries energy, a more self-focused energy, the shadow side of Libra energy can involve being uncertain as to how you fit into the world of others. 

But as I mentioned the 7th house is the house of marriage and partnerships, so a little fun astrology tip: If you are a male, the zodiac ruling the 7th house of your natal chart often describes the zodiac energy of the marriage partner you seek.

So for my husband actually, Taurus rules his 7th house, and I have strong Taurean energy – my sun, moon, mercury and Pallas Athena are all in Taurus. So if you’re female and you are married to a male partner, look at which house rules their 7th house and see if you have that zodiac energy strong in your chart.

Remember astrology is all about permission, it’s not a prison. So if your partner doesn’t have a zodiac sign ruling his 7th house that is dominant in your natal chart, that does not mean your relationship is doomed. keep in mind that astrology is not about predicting the future exactly. 

It’s about probability 

Libra is an air sign as I mentioned before.

The Air element is masculine or yang energy. People with a lot of air placements tend to live in their heads, being logical and scientific, as well as curious about what is around them and detached in their outlook. They dream the world into being with their future-oriented conceptions. They are less likely to take sides, and thus provide the social linkage that can join disparate groups to each other.

But the shadow side of air energy is that thoughts can enter your mind easily; think of your mind like an open window on a windy day without a screen; there’s a lot that can come in; anything and everything really, so it’s important to have some discernment. 

The air signs are Aquarius and Gemini in addition to Libra. There are 4 planets active in air signs at the time of this New Moon, so look and see what planets or aspects you have in air signs. Do you have a lot? If so you may be feeling that scattered energy more so than others.

There are also four planets active in earth signs at the time of the Libra New Moon, so this is why that discernment piece will be so important. The energy is saying don’t just tell me, show me.

Venus is in Virgo at the time of the Libra New Moon. And Mercury is in Virgo as well, retrograde. Venus remember is the natural ruler of Libra. Neptune is in Pisces, so it’s possible we could experience an abundance of love, of resources, as Neptune in Pisces is kind of exalting Venus’ position a bit, showing us a higher octave of love is possible. But Venus in Virgo is saying, don’t just tell me a pretty story about love, show me through your actions, the Earth energy that you mean what you say and you say what you mean. 

Our actions are being gifted a little bit of fresh energy as well at this time because Libra is also a Cardinal sign. Cardinal energy is Initiating, assertive, direct, and active. Cardinal placements in the birth chart represent where you take charge, assert your will power, and make your desires, and intentions known. So this is go-getter energy, building energy

The cardinal signs are: Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn

Jupiter will be in Aries at the time of the New Moon, opposing the sun and moon, which may increase our thirst for knowledge. You may find yourself studying or learning something new, or studying deeper, learning more about something you’re interested in at this time. 

Careful to not overdo it or overcommit yourself though; Jupiter is expansive energy, and it’s possible we could bite off more than we can chew because we’re so enthusiastic about an opportunity or a relationship.

During the Libra New Moon you may find yourself redecorating, renovating, just generally feeling more artistic and more interested in art-related topics at the moment because of that Venus influence, that Neptune in Pisces influence. 

Meditating on words that represent Libra energy may be helpful in helping you get the clarity you need to make the choices that get you where you want to go.

So meditating on words like:

Love. Beauty. Peace. Harmony. Balance. May be helpful at this time.

Also think about: how can you bring more aesthetic beauty into your world? And how do you feel in your relationships?

The truth is the crazier the outside, external world gets or feels, the more we need to go to our internal world. So use this Libra New Moon to start developing the mindset of the more I work on myself, the better my relationships will be. And be honest What work do you need to do on yourself so that you can show up more in relationships without your ego? 

And What new energy do you want to invite into your relationships? Not just romantic relationships, but friendships, business relationships, relationships with animals and mother earth?

And as I said, the air and earth signs will be dominating the energy of this Libra New Moon, so look at your ideas with a critical eye and ask yourself how can I bring this idea about in a practical reality? That’s going to help us take our many ideas from the air energy and put them to practical use, earth energy.

The sun and moon will both be at 2 degrees of Libra at the time of this new moon. This I find very interesting because 2 degrees of Libra is what is known as the Super Galactic Center. This will be heavily activated during the Libra New Moon as the moon and sun will both be at 2 degrees of Libra exactly. And Jupiter in Aries is almost exactly opposed to the Super Galactic Center at 3 degrees of Aries. 

This combined with the upcoming final square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus at 18 degrees, which is expected to occur around the last week of September, the first of October, is really a final dance between this push for freedom and grassroots energy, community first, is going up against the old ways of doing things, power and control, rules and regulations. 

So I do think this is a good time to leave some room for possibilities, for dreams to happen in the blink of an eye.

You know, the universal laws teach us to not worry about the how, but to just focus on the emotion, the feeling of what it’s like to receive the abundance, the love, the peace, the freedom. So if you haven’t already, perhaps this is the push you need to start practicing gratitude, to allow the best case scenario to unfold, to not worry about what seems impossible, rather to just enjoy living a life filled with magic and miracles.

If you are not an Aries rising, look and see which house Libra rules for you, that’s going to give you an idea of what area of your life is most likely to be affected by this New Moon and you can use that for guidance when it comes to planting seeds for what you want to invite into your life.

The Full Moon in Libra will be on April 6, 2023, so as I said, take a look at where Libra is in your chart, think about what’s going on in your life, take inventory of your relationships, how you’re showing up, how you want to show up, and whatever seeds you plant now, expect them to harvest next April.

I hope this helps you find some peace and validation during this time.
As always, Natal Birth Charts, Solar Return Reports, Future Forecast Transit Reports and more are available at elevated aura.