Self-Love Spirituality

Hybrid Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries | April 19, 2023

I am a western tropical astrologer, all of my updates will follow that astrological format. I use the sacred interpretation method meaning your astrological forecast will always be described in the sense that challenges are opportunities, not a form of punishment. And that you have free will, meaning nothing is set in stone, I use astrological forecasts to help give you permission to listen to your intuition and live your best life as your true authentic self.

I use the whole house sign system, meaning your rising sign rules the entirety of your first house and every person has all 12 zodiac energies within them. I use the archetypal energies of the planets, the zodiacs, and history to create something similar to a weather forecast so that you can make plans and validate your emotions based on the kind of energy you are swimming in at this time.  

Of course, I can only give generic forecasts without looking at your unique individual chart. If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer personalized astrological reports like a PDF, this is the most affordable option available on the elevated aura website, and I have one-on-one virtual readings as well, which you can schedule on the elevated aura website. 

Without further ado let’s get into the Aries Solar Eclipse New Moon, happening on April 19, 2023 at 9:12 PM Pacific Time, so you can adjust that based on your timezone. 

If you noticed, this is a Solar Eclipse New Moon. Welcome to eclipse season! If you have been feeling like you are in some sort of portal right now, if there is something intuitively telling you that your life is about to change in big, dramatic ways, you are right. 

Eclipse season and eclipses are something a lot of people both fear and get excited about because this is intense, game-changer energy. This is largely where those memorable moments in life are made. And if you look back at your life, it’s usually during eclipse seasons that we have some sort of new chapter unfolding in our life, or we are closing a chapter. It’s that game-changer energy where we see big moves and changes in people’s lives, including our own lives, like births, deaths ,marriages, divorces, moves, buying homes, babies, new jobs, like the big stuff. 

And just like there is an energetic difference between a new moon and a full moon, eclipses bring different energetic flavorings to new moons and full moons that we want to be mindful of.

On April 19, 2023, we’re experiencing a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries at 9:12 PM Pacific. So essentially this is an incredibly, intense and potent new moon. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon gets between Earth and the sun, and the moon casts a shadow over Earth. 

New Moons are when we plant the seeds for blessings to come. Similar to a New Moon, a solar eclipse is more associated with new beginnings than it is endings. But that’s not to say that endings don’t happen during this time – in order for new beginnings, new opportunities, new relationships, new money to flow into our life, sometimes that means we have to let go of something, we have to make room for the new by clearing out the old. 

Although a New Moon is traditionally when we would want to set goals, be intentional about what we’re trying to manifest in our life so that by the time the Full Moon rolls around in about six months we start to reap the rewards of the energy we sewed, an eclipse is not exactly the time to manifest our heart’s desires. Eclipse season is essentially that time in which we are forced by the cosmos to try on a new perception of life. To master new skills and challenges that we may not have felt prepared for, but we rise to the occasion if we allow ourselves to get messy and truly experience life. To get up when we fall down and keep going. 

That energy of believing in yourself, of remembering that practice makes practice, that life is all about the journey, not the destination is incredibly powerful during eclipse season because like I said, this is the energy where your life can change out of nowhere. Like you get the job offer you never expected, it’s just too good to be true, you find your soulmate and you know it’s your person. That’s eclipse season energy. Things are lining up and accelerating rapidly. When it feels like your life becomes the dramatic moments in the movie where you’re unsure of what will happen to the lead actor. 

So keep the faith. Trust that everything is working out best case scenario, because I’m sure you like me have had those moments where there’s so much change going on that you are almost holding your breath. Most of us fight the changes, we feel unsafe, we don’t feel grounded, we are afraid of the unknown, what’s to come, what’s to happen to us, but again, look back at your life. I’m sure there are moments, as painful or as challenging, as scary as it may have been – I’m sure there are moments in your life when you look back and you think wow I’m so fucking glad that happened, because I don’t know if I would have done xyz otherwise.

Additionally keep in mind that although the exact date of the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse is April 19, 2023, eclipse energy is a portal that opens up for about six months. So we’ve been swimming in this energy for a few weeks and it’s going to heat up as we get closer to the exact date of the solar eclipse and this energy is going to remain active for the next six months. It’s kind of like a big boat turning – it’s not going to happen immediately and turn on a dime, there’s going to be a slower, wider turn.

And actually with this particular Aries Solar Eclipse New Moon, it’s going to be squaring Pluto in Aquarius and then Pluto in Capricorn when Pluto goes retrograde back into Capricorn on June 11, so this energy really is going to be present and active into 2024.

When we have a Solar Eclipse New Moon it kicks off eclipse season because we usually have a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon following a Solar Eclipse New Moon. So we will officially enter Eclipse Season on April 19, 2023 with this Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries. And not only are we entering this massive season of change, but the eclipse axis is beginning to shift from the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse axis to the Aries-Libra axis. 

The Scorpio-Taurus eclipse axis is all about money, values, desires, what is important to you, desire for food, desire for sex, desire for sensuality. While the Aries-Libra axis is all about relationships. Aries is ruled by Mars, Libra is ruled by Venus, so there’s this energy of assertion, accommodation, being concerned with ourselves and being concerned about others. There’s energy around wars, military action, ceasefires, alliances, treaties, wildfires, firearms, speeding, surprise legislation, laws and elections, gender identity and gender relations, our identity and our personal relationships.

The Nodal axis is also beginning to shift from Taurus-Scorpio, to the Aries Libra axis. The North Node is moving from Taurus into Aries, this is our collective path forward, what we need to move toward, and the South Node is what we are collectively leaving behind, what we are needing to let go of, heal from, be honest about. The South Node is moving from Scorpio into Libra. That switch will occur on July 18, 2023, and the nodes will stay on this axis until January 11, 2025.

So there’s a lot of new beginnings, new energy going on here. And how poetic that Aries is associated with new beginnings as the natural ruler of the first house of the zodiac. 

Aries season is the kickoff of the astrological New Year, it marks the beginning of Spring, it’s that muckraker energy of going first, into the unknown, paving a new path.

This is actually the second Aries New Moon of the year. This doesn’t always happen, but it is possible to have back-to-back new moons in the same sign, so clearly there is a strong Aries energy that the universe is asking us to experience. This also means that we won’t have a New Moon in Capricorn in 2023, that will occur in early 2024. 

I didn’t get a chance to write up a blog on that first Aries New Moon because I was still deep in the trenches recovering from my pinched nerve injury, but on March 21, 2023 we had a New Moon in Aries at 0°, 48”. That New Moon occurred at 10:22 AM Pacific. So like I was saying, we’re really being gifted an opportunity to think about what is best for ourselves and what we can do to really level up in the area of our life ruled by Aries. It may feel like more of a push than a nudge or something we organically decide to do because the Aries energy is so intense.

So look at your chart and find where Aries is, which house does it rule for you? That’s going to give you the best indication as to which area of your life is most likely to experience changes in the next six months or so. 

Going back to that first Aries New Moon, note that it was at 0 degrees of Aries. When we have a planet at 0 degrees of a sign, it’s indicative of a pure form of that sign’s energy. It’s a baby approach to a new, fresh beginning. This upcoming solar eclipse new moon however is happening at the 29th degree of Aries. The 29th degree indicates that a planet is at its most mature point of a sign, its representative of clairvoyance but it’s also known as the anaretic degree which means that any shadow sides of the energy are likely to come out, it’s this energy that says, I’m almost complete but I need to make sure I get anything and everything that isn’t for the greatest good out into the open so that change can occur.

Not only is 29 degrees this indication we’re experiencing fated energy, but when a planet is at 29 degrees we usually experience challenges at least as a collective when we have planets or angles around 29 degrees. How beautiful then that the 29th degree is ruled by Leo energy, so there is a fiery, heart-led energy here, an energy of courage to look within and make the changes we know we need to make, the changes that are in our best interest individually and collectively. 

We’ve been talking a lot about eclipse energy and the degrees at which the Aries New Moons occurred, but what exactly does Aries energy look like?

Aries is the natural ruler of the first house of identity, it’s an energy that says I AM, I know who I am and I am confident in the way that I am and how I approach life. And it makes sense because as the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is that energy that paves a new path and does what’s never been done before. 

Aries is a masculine yang energy, a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars so it’s energy is initiating, pioneering, creative, enterprising, and passionate, it’s the energy that is ready to start something new – something that has never been done before. 

Aries is associated with the military, jobs done in uniforms so there is a kind of militaristic, law enforcement type energy in the air. Armies, firefighters, those in uniforms. Hospitals, nurses, medical. It’s fighting, defending, protection energy is all present. 

Look to see which house Aries rules for you because that is going to give you some insight as to what area of your life may be affected by this Aries Solar Eclipse New Moon. If you are not an Aries rising, look at what rules your first house along with which house Aries rules for you because this energy is asking us to think about who I AM. So whatever rules your first house will flavor your identity, how you see yourself, but there’s also going to be some Aries energy flavoring as well. 

For example, I’m an Aquarius Rising, so Aries energy is going to help flavor my first house of identity, which is all about yourself, your ego, how you present yourself to the world, your looks and identity along with Aquarius energy. Aries is the ruler of my third house of the mind, which is naturally ruled by Gemini and is related to the area of our lives such as siblings, online business, general business, our local life, relatives, short distance travel, writing, speaking, teaching, mental energy, and friends that live nearby. So my third house has the flavorings of both Aries and Gemini. 

With the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries, there’s a big push of energy to be brave, courageous, to step out and take a risk, perhaps do something you’ve never done before. There’s also a lot of fire energy when I look at the chart, so take some time, maybe journal on: What makes you excited and feel filled with fire? What actions can you take not just collectively but on an individual level to be more courageous, to show up as your true self?

During the Solar Eclipse New Moon:

  • The sun, moon, Jupiter and Chiron will all be in Aries.
  • Mercury, Uranus and the North Node are in Taurus.
  • Venus is in Gemini
  • Mars is in Cancer
  • South Node is in Scorpio
  • Pluto is in Aquarius
  • And Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces

There’s a lot of fire energy here and quite a few challenging aspects. 

  • The sun is in conjunction with the moon

This energy can make it more difficult to cope with changes unless you see the immediate benefit to your personal self.

  • The sun is in conjunction with jupiter

This aspect can bring luck, material success in particular, but there’s an energy of vanity here that we have to be mindful of.

  • The sun is square pluto

This aspect can cause us to be stubborn and almost stick our head in the sand when it comes to other peoples opinions or beliefs. There’s a layer of manipulation involved too along with being controlling. Unfortunately, it’s also an energy of endings such as death, so you may have a loved one or someone you know experiencing some kind of tragedy or ending. 

  • Moon conjunction with Jupiter

This is an energy that manifests in two ways – we can be incredibly generous, kind and good-natured hosts, or we can be selfish, demanding, requiring a lot of luxury, care and love. 

  • Moon Square Pluto

This aspect can cause difficulty in accepting and loving ourselves based on the way we look. So body image issues can surface with this energy. This energy can also illuminate interests in the esoteric arts, psychology, astrology, occultism, new age movements.

  • Mercury conjunct Uranus

This is an energy of independence, but it can also bring with it unexpected or surprising news and information

  • Venus square Saturn

This is an energy that can exacerbate fears of loss, both of property material items, and loss of loved ones.

But we also have some more easeful aspects to look forward to:

  • Sun sextile Saturn

This energy allows us to work hard and take on responsibility, but the shadow side is that we can be too hard on ourselves. 

  • Moon sextile Saturn

This energy brings with it emotional stability. There’s a reliable, stable and helpful energy.

  • Mercury sextile Mars

We’re being gifted the ability to think and act fast with this aspect.

  • Neptune sextile Pluto

This is an aspect that encourages peace, long-lasting peace, and leaves us with a peace-making attitude on a global scale.

Back to the eclipses….

As I mentioned, we’re beginning to move off the Taurus-Scorpio axis and onto the Aries-Libra axis so we’ll have the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries followed by the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio this Spring. And later this Fall, we’ll have the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra followed by the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus. 

Aries and Scorpio are both ruled by Mars, in modern astrology Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto, while Libra and Taurus are both ruled by Venus. The Aries-Libra axis is also all about relationships, it’s known as the relationship axis, so we’re experiencing this cosmic dance of energy between Venus and Mars.

So to have a better understanding of which areas of your life are most likely to be affected by eclipse season, find which houses are ruled by Aries, Scorpio, Libra and Taurus. 

One other thing I want to flag for you is on April 21, 2023, Mercury will go retrograde in Taurus until May 14, 2023. So be careful when you’re communicating, backup your hard drive, review contracts a few times before signing them, because a Mercury retrograde remember is a time to review, redo, reevaluate things in our life especially around the topics of communication, contracts, technology and travel. So be patient, it’s just a few weeks of hiccups and this is probably the most familiar, or one of the easier retrogrades we’ll be experiencing this year. 

Pluto will begin to go retrograde in Aquarius as it makes its way back into Capricorn starting May 1, 2023. In June Saturn is going to go retrograde in Pisces, Neptune is going to go retrograde in Pisces, in July Venus is going to be retrograde, so take a deep breath, we’re all in this together. And remember if you can’t keep swimming, just get on your back and float, or imagine yourself in a boat, drop your anchor, take some deep breaths in and out of your heart space and trust and remember that you are safe, you are loved, you are enough, and everything is working out best case scenario.

Now because eclipse energy is so dramatic and life-changing, eclipse energy doesn’t always affect us the same way. I want you to also keep in mind that Eclipse energy is like a spiral. It builds off of itself until the cycle completes. 

Eclipses are divided or categorized by Saros Series, so on average eclipses repeat similar themes every 18.5 years or so until the lesson completes. This solar eclipse in Aries is part of the saros 129 solar eclipse series. The first time we experienced this particular solar eclipse energy was October 3, 1103. And every 18.5 years or so we get more and more of this same energy. This energy cycle is expected to complete by February 21, 2528, so we have quite a bit of ways to go. 

The last time we experienced this particular eclipse energy was April 8, 2005. So look back at what was going on in your life around April 2005 especially the spring, early summer 2005. This doesn’t apply to everyone, but if you were around in the late 80s, prior to the last 129 saros solar eclipse in April 2005, we experienced this energy on March 29, 1987. Similar themes are likely to emerge now that we experienced around those dates.

If this applies to you or you’re interested from a historical perspective, we also experienced this same solar eclipse series on:

  • March 18, 1969
  • March 7, 1951
  • February 24, 1933
  • February 14, 1915

The Solar Eclipse in Aries is a hybrid solar eclipse, which only affects about 3 percent of all solar eclipses, so it’s quite rare. And what this means is that the Solar Eclipse will be both annular and total depending on where you are in the world. So an annular solar eclipse is when the moon doesn’t completely cover the sun, it’s like a partial eclipse, whereas a total solar eclipse will mean just that, the moon is totally covering the sun.

This Aries Solar Eclipse will be most visible in the North West Cape peninsula and Barrow Island in Western Australia, eastern parts of East Timor, as well as Damar Island and parts of the province of Papua in Indonesia. This is where there will be a total solar eclipse as well. As it moves over the pacific ocean that’s when it will transition to a more partial eclipse. While the solar eclipse energy affects us all, it’s usually most potent over those areas where it’s most visible.

If you are a Sun or Rising, Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, you are most likely to feel the effects of this Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries, especially if you have planets or angles around 29 degrees of Cardinal Signs, Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn.

I hope this helps you find some peace and validation during this time. Whatever happens externally at this time, know that you are safe. You are loved. You are divinely guided and supported and I love you. 

As always, Natal Birth Charts, Solar Return Reports, Future Forecast Transit Reports and more are available at elevated aura. You can also book a 1:1 reading with me for a deeper understanding of your chart.

Remember kindness starts within. If we were all to focus inward, to be kind to ourselves, before we started worrying about being kind to anyone else, this world would be such a different place.