If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here.
If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here.
On January 29, 2025, at 4:35 AM Pacific Time, we have a New Moon in Aquarius.
The Moon will be at 9 degrees, 50 minutes of Aquarius, along with the Sun.
Aquarius New Moon Energy Themes:
The energy of the Aquarius New Moon brings the start of something new, perhaps in areas of our lives involving relationships with others. We may find ourselves online connecting with neighbors, siblings, or we could be busy traveling to local appointments, meetings, and social events.
The energy of the Aquarius New Moon favors an exchange of ideas and a focus on community. It also favors buying, selling, negotiation, creativity, and psychic insight. It looks like there is a hint of optimism, some hard conversations may lead to positive changes, but others may feel they are being manipulated. Self discipline, taking a moment to breathe before responding, remembering our own power and lovability will be key.
Hardships may occur, finances may be extremely tight for many, but for those who experience setbacks, trust that this redirection is protection. Keep going. The energy is giving you the resilience you need, but will not allow toxic relationships to continue.
Family nostalgia could cloud our judgement. Write down your thoughts and feelings or speak them aloud to better understand how you feel and what you actually want or need.
I’m seeing a lot of information coming to the surface. It could come through in the form of psychic insight. Or perhaps we have a conversation with someone in our life, most likely a female relative or other female figure. Be careful of pipes bursting and plumbing issues.
How will this Aquarius New Moon Affect You?
Find which house in your natal chart is ruled by Aquarius. This will tell you which area of your life is being illuminated by this Aquarius New Moon and will guide you in setting an intention for that particular area of your life during the New Moon.
If you have natal planets between 5-15 degrees of Fixed Signs: Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio:
you are likely to feel the impact of this Aquarius New Moon the most, especially if you have natal planets around 9 degrees of Fixed signs.
This is the fourth of five New Moons in a row all at 9 degrees.
The Ninth degree is ruled by Sagittarius and is an energy that is associated with higher education, learning, foreign travel, and having a plan.
When setting your intention for the Aquarius New Moon, think about:
What area of your life is being illuminated by this Aquarius New Moon? What do you want to see more of or change in this area of your life? Where would you like to be or experience in this area of your life six months from now?
Be mindful about where are you aiming your arrow, where do you have your eyes, where is your focus?
Where your focus goes, energy flows.
All About Aquarius
Aquarius is the Rebel of the Zodiac
Rebels, like Aquarians, are often misunderstood.
Think of it this way: Aquarian energy tends to ruffle some feathers because Aquarians are hype focused on the future and what is going to be best for the good of all compared to a singular person or entity.
When you’re thinking about the future or suggesting changes that are light years ahead of where the world is socially, you can sometimes rub people the wrong way. Luckily Aquarians often have thick enough skin to keep pushing their visions forward and bringing them to fruition.
Aquarius is the natural ruler of the
Eleventh (11) House of the Zodiac, which is all about community and networking.
Aquarius is ruled by two planets in modern astrology – two opposing planets in fact – Saturn and Uranus.
Uranus is the planet of freedom and revolutionary vision, it’s an energy that is hungry for change, quantum changes, and encourages us to visualize new possibilities, new ways of being, doing, and relating not only with one another, but the animals, plants, the Earth, our Solar System, etc.
Then we have Saturn. Saturn is the planet of limitation and contraction, it’s an energy that is about discipline, punctuality, and the conservation of material resources. Also known as the Lord of Karma, Saturn wants us to understand and do things correctly, which is why this energy can feel so restrictive and slow-moving. It’s the tortoise in the race between the tortoise and the hare.
Another way to think of it is Saturn is how it’s always been, Uranus is the future, so there is this clash of which way do we want to move as a community?
Do we want to be more forward-thinking and inclusive, or do we want to keep the same rules and regulations, top-down power and control framework that is familiar to us?
Aquarius is represented by the symbol of the water bearer and is often mistaken for being a water sign, but it’s an air energy.
Aquarians are often living in their heads, as they are curious about the world around them and are dreaming about ways to solve many of societies issues.
This is why the water bearer symbol perfectly captures Aquarian energy. Water bearer energy is an energy that absorbs and collects the energy, the desires, the limiting beliefs, the emotional waters of those around them, and transmutes this energy into something that benefits the many.
Almost like an empath, there’s this innate ability to read the energy of the social community and determine what needs to be done, what needs to change, what needs to be released in order to bring more harmony, love, and peace to the planet. Aquarians tend to be eccentric, spontaneous, and original.
For a more personalized horoscope visit elevatedaura.com
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If you are a: Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo Sun or Rising:
You are likely to find this time around the Aquarius New Moon a bit more turbulent as there are challenging angles with your natal planets. Remember challenges are good for our growth. And before we can welcome new things, we have to get rid of the old energy.
If you are a: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries, or Libra Sun or Rising:
You are likely to enjoy this Aquarius New Moon the most, as you have natal planets and angles forming harmonious aspects. Take advantage of this positive momentum and set a powerful intention in this area of your life.
If you are a: Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces or Virgo Sun or Rising:
This is not the most powerful New Moon for you, as your natal planets are not really activated during the Aquarius New Moon. However, it’s still important to set an intention in this area of your life as other energy is also at play.
If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here.