Self-Love Spirituality

Aquarius Super Full Moon Ceremony | elevated aura

Aquarius Super Full Moon Ceremony | elevated aura

On Aug. 11 at 6:35 PM Pacific we’ll have the last super moon of the year, with the Aquarius Super Full Moon at 19 degrees, 21 minutes of Aquarius ♒🌊

Join me for a 60-minute Full Moon Ceremony including a guided meditation to welcome this new energy ✨


Aquarius Super Full Moon | 19 degrees, 21 Minutes | Aug. 11, 2022 | 6:35 PM Pacific | #FYP #fullmoon #astrology #aquarius #spirituality #selflove

♬ original sound – Katie

About this event

Join Spiritual Life Coach, Astrologer & Avesa Breathwork Practitioner Katie Utterback, CLC for a powerful 60 minute Aquarius Super Full Moon Ceremony on August 11 at 5:00 PM Pacific.

Ceremony will include:

Astrological energy update for the Aquarius Super Full Moon

Healing Meditation

Breathwork & more!

*Can’t make it but still want to join our Full Moon ceremony? No problem! The ceremony is recorded and shared with attendees within 24 hours after event concludes.

How will this Aquarius Super Full Moon affect you?🔮

Where is Aquarius ♒ in your natal chart? Which house does it rule?


Take a look back at what was going on in your life around Feb. 1, 2022, that was when we had the New Moon in Aquarius. Similar themes are likely to emerge now.

And look and see do you have any planets in Fixed Signs? Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus✨

For those who do have planets in Fixed Signs, do you have any planets between 17-19 degrees? If so, you’ll feel this energy even more than the rest of the world.

Natal Birth Charts, Solar Return Reports, Future Forecast Transit Reports available