
Cancer Summer Solstice 2022

Cancer Summer Solstice – June 21, 2022

During the week of June 18 – 25, we’re experiencing an energetic reset following the Supermoon in Sagittarius earlier this month.

As the sun moves into Cancer, the light energy flowing to Earth is increasing. As the light descends upon the Earth at such a strong rate, carried further by the Trade Winds, cracks begin to form in the surface of the Earth, allowing even more Crystalline light energy to flow through to our human bodies.

Light helps us awaken, learn, grow, improve, realize. As the crystalline energy intensifies, we may feel inspired to take a risk, to step into our courage, to be brave, to initiate something new, begin a new episode in life

This NEWNESS from this solstice energy largely comes from Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries as the sun enters Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere

Look where ARIES is in your chart for the best idea as to what area of your life the “NEWNESS” may be felt the most. Which house does Aries rule in your chart?

If you are not an Aries rising, look at what Zodiac rules your first house? There may be an energy flavoring from that, and look at what the natural ruler of the house is that you do have Aries in.

Also look for Mars. Which house is Mars in in your natal chart?

If you have a journal or social media posts, it may not be a bad idea to look back at what was going on in your life around the second half of 2010, January 2011, as similar themes may likely emerge now. 

The Cancer Summer Solstice will bring with it a new energy, but it’s not the Cancer New Moon. There will be an additional new start, more new energy when we have the Cancer New Moon on June 28. That New Moon will be at 7 degrees, 22 minutes of Cancer on June 28 at 7:51 PM Pacific

But the emotional energy of Cancer is active now. At the solstice specifically the energy is asking us to ask ourselves about our feelings of safety, where do we draw our sense of safety from? During this solstice energy, there’s a lot of forward energy. Like I mentioned, Jupiter and Mars are in Aries – so that is the perfect combination for movement, for getting shit done. But Cancer energy is emotional. 

Cancer like Pisces and Scorpio are water signs. Unlike Pisces which is very obvious in its emotional power, Cancer and Scorpio are a little more protective of their emotions and their vulnerabilities. 

So Cancer, like the crab symbol that Cancer is represented by, is energy that has a tough outer shelf, it puts on a tough appearance, tough upper lip, but under the surface, there’s a river of emotions flowing, and that is Cancer energy. Very much like its namesake, the crab, cancer energy is all about a tough outer shell protecting the soft heart.

We don’t always expose our true heart, our full feelings, our vulnerabilities, and so sometimes we get triggered, someone accidentally presses on the bruises on our hearts. So this is a time energetically when we are being asked to master overreactions. To be able to remind ourselves of our magic, our sense of safety from within.

During the next few weeks, really push yourself to see if you can take a pause, take a breath before responding. Ask yourself: What is the story I’m telling myself? What in me invited this to be?

Try not to surrender to your primal gut reaction. Can you gift yourself a moment to figure out how to respond and move forward from a place of love? Does there even need to be a response at all?

So in that sense your feeling of safety is now very much likely related to your home, family and related activities such as cooking and gardening.

You may be prone to emotional fluctuations right now, so that’s why I said it’s not a bad idea to really work on responding not reacting to things. To really give ourselves a gift of inner peace.

Our perception of the world can be very subjective; and with the veil being so thin right now between worlds as the power of the sun shifts between hemispheres, we have this collective mass clearing of traumas, fears, in preparation for new earth, there’s a lot of stuff bubbling up to the surface right now. We also have the North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio, raising issues related to money, sex, food, secrets.

2022 is a year in which we are being asked to embrace our challenges, our fears, it’s like our ego and our most vulnerable self are taking us all for a ride in the fun house mirrors or something – it seems very real, we don’t exactly know how to get out, but if  we can take a breath and remember it’s not real, it’s all in our imagination and that we will get out of this soup at one point, we can relax and try and laugh at all of the warped images our mind tries to convince us are real.

As I mentioned, Cancer energy is emotional energy, it’s very nurturing energy, very maternal energy. But the shadow side is Capricorn energy – bossy, top-down, power and control type energy. This shadow side is going to be active on the back burner for the next three months or so because Pluto is in Capricorn currently.

Additionally we have Mars energizing Eres. Eres is the Goddess who says everyone needs to be heard and included, no one can be left out. And Eres and Pluto are running square from 2020 through October 2022. So there’s a sense that we had to create something new in order to move forward successfully.

A couple of things I want to flag for you:

Jupiter will be sextile to mercury – so we are thinking big; thinking bigger for your future, more than you ever have in the past

Black Moon Lilith is  highlighted on the Cancer Solstice on June 21 and again on the Cancer New Moon on June 28

Black moon Lilith has a natural association with human gestation as she spends about 9 months in each zodiac sign. During the Cancer Solstice and the Cancer New Moon, Black Moon Lilith will be activated on the World of Cancer axis. Cancer is the sign of motherhood so we could see issues related to motherhood, babies, pregnancy

This energy is coming up strongly in the US and the reason I’m flagging this for you is because the US is in its first ever Pluto return year. So questions like Who are we? What is important to us? are being activated in the US currently. And interestingly, Mars is in the fifth house of children for the US chart. There’s been a formula shortage and Roe vs Wade is expected to be overturned by the Supreme Court.

So positive news though: There’s a Cardinal Grand Cross with some dwarf planets ruled by Goddesses – squares in astrology make stuff happen – there are highly regenerative energies, quantum healing energies in this Cardinal Grand Cross so essentially this means we are being asked to trust in the Universe; surrendering to the Universe that once you make your desire or wish known, it is taken care of.

It’s also a Signal ready for a new level of consciousness; So again, going back to this question of what makes you feel safe internally?

Remember kindness starts within. If we were all to focus inward, to be kind to ourselves, before we started worrying about being kind to anyone else, this world would be such a different place.

I hope this update helps you find a sense of peace and validation during these next few weeks!