
elevated aura in SDVoyager

Conversations with Katie Utterback, CLC

Today we’d like to introduce you to Katie Utterback, CLC

Hi Katie, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
Hi! My name is Katie.

I’m a trauma-informed Sacred Tropical Astrologer. I’m also an ICF-certified Spiritual Life Coach and Avesa Certified Breathwork Practitioner.

My Healing Motto: You deserve it because you are worth it.

My whole life I felt different from those around me. But it wasn’t until I unexpectedly found myself on an intense healing journey in 2019 that I understood why.

What started out as a healing journey from familial narcissistic abuse in 2019 quickly became a spiritual awakening, ignited by my first Saturn Return, and a very intense and deep dark night of the soul.

During this time I regularly found myself on the bathroom floor at 3 AM bawling, heartbroken and confused how I seemingly became an orphan overnight, triggering every abandonment issue and wound I had. But it was in those moments that I found myself completely surrendering to the universe, asking the planets, the sun, and the moon for any and all guidance.

The path that became clear for me to follow started to become more obvious, louder: I needed to heal the best I could and live the best life I could. That was the best revenge for a traumatic childhood.