
Empowered vs Victim Mindset

Empowered vs Victim Mindset

Which life are you living?

I’m really glad I did! Or I wish I would have…

Density has been having its way with me – well, at least trying to.

Luckily, I was aware that 2022 would be a year unlike any other and I’ve been preparing spiritually for this War on Consciousness.

From gratitude, affirmations, journaling, breathwork, shadow work, inner child healing, dance, Tibetan sound bowls, talk therapy, and even coloring – I have built an incredibly powerful toolkit the last few years on my healing journey.

And with 11 days to go until the March Equinox, I expect the Veil of Illusion density has been working with will only increase as it hopes to control my ego with fear, doubt, and hesitancy, preventing me from truly being able to follow my heart and allow my higher self to guide me in the creation of New Earth.

While I am human, I am also healing. I am learning. I am growing. I am evolving. And I am remembering that it’s my perception of a situation, of myself, of others that really is more powerful than I ever realized.

This means that if I choose to view my self as a victim, I always will be.

If I choose to be empowered and in control, then that will be my experience.

Remember in order to be a victim, you have to allow yourself to succumb to the pillars of self sabotage: regret, doubt, fear, shame, hesitancy….

These emotions or feelings can keep us stuck in a Victim Triangle of Consciousness if we let them, where the ego is running the show and our sense of worthy, safety, lovability, intelligence – it all comes from external sources.

Mantras: I AM at peace with myself, I AM at peace with the world

My life is full and beautiful and each day gets better and better.

Work with me: