astrology Gemini New Moon

Gemini New Moon | June 6, 2024

On June 6, 2024, we have a New Moon in Gemini at 5:37 AM Pacific Time.

The Moon will be at 16 degrees and 17 minutes of Gemini.

Gemini is the intellectual of the zodiac.

Gemini is the natural ruler of the Third House of the zodiac which is all about the mind: online business, writing, speaking, teaching, mental energy, general business. But it also covers our local life, our siblings, relatives like cousins, friends who live nearby, and short distance travel.

Gemini has a reputation for being two-faced or a gossip, but that’s not the empowered Gemini energy.

Represented by the symbol of the twins, Gemini energy is mirroring back to us, reflecting back our true nature.

Gemini allows us to see our shadow side, our higher self, it’s an energy that empowers reparenting, self love, and healing our core wounds.

A mutable air sign, Gemini energy is curious, quick-witted, and perpetually pumped to connect with others on just about anything. It’s the connection that stimulates and interests them most.

Gemini is a yang energy, an air sign, meaning it’s more about logic, chatter, talking, communication than it is about emotional intelligence or even empathy.

This is why Gemini Risings and Suns can get a reputation for being quick minded, talkative, being in their head, thinking logically not with emotions as much as a water sign would.

Air energy is very logical, but can become unfocused easily; that’s a shadow side to Gemini’s energy.

It makes sense. If one is always learning, adapting, we can get to a point where we become indecisive, paralyzed by all of the options available to us.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury.

Thanks to its ruler, Mercury, the planet of communication, Gemini’s energy is associated with a nonstop super-social vibe and eagerness to gather information.

Gemini’s astrological buddy is Sagittarius, so where Gemini is the student learning, learning, learning, Sagittarius is the teacher, the professor energy.

Because it’s really common for those with strong Gemini placements to have a very active internal world, a very powerful and vivid imagination,

Gemini’s tend to place more importance on their intellectual connection with others.

And because their internal world is so active and colorful they need to be around others who can keep up with that energy and engage in deep, intimate, conversations.

Gemini New Moon: June 2024 Horoscope

If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here

Overall I see this Gemini New Moon as a time in which we are seeking and experiencing clarity related to how we communicate with others, our ability to write and speak in ways that accurately represent and reflect our beliefs and emotions, as well as heal self-worth wounds we likely experienced in childhood, particularly those wounds that came from being rejected or harshly criticized by our mother or mother figure.

How will this Gemini New Moon affect you?

Find which house Gemini rules in your natal chart. This will tell you which area of your life you’ll want to set a new intention in.

Be mindful of where you focus your energy at this time. In about six months from now when we talk about the Gemini Full Moon, we’ll be harvesting the seeds we planted during this New Moon.

Find which area of your natal chart is ruled by Gemini.

This is the area of your life you’re planting the seeds of new beginnings in.

If you have any personal planets or angles around 16 degrees of Mutable Signs: Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, you are likely to feel this Gemini New Moon energy the most.

If you are an: Aquarius, Leo, Aries, or Libra Rising or Sun: You are likely to enjoy this Gemini New Moon the most, as you have natal planets and angles forming harmonious aspects. Take advantage of this positive momentum and set a powerful intention in this area of your life.

If you are a: Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, or Capricorn Rising or Sun: This is not the most powerful New Moon for you, as your natal planets are not really activated during the Gemini New Moon. However, it’s still important to set an intention in this area of your life as other energy is also at play such as the eclipse energy.

If you are a: Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, or Virgo Rising or Sun: You are likely to find this time around the Gemini New Moon a bit more turbulent as there are challenging angles with your natal planets. Remember challenges are good for our growth. And before we can welcome new things, we have to get rid of the old energy.

If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here