Self-Love Spirituality

Wellness Mindset Retreat

Goddesses, Join me for a *Virtual* Wellness Mindset Retreat

October 15, 2022

Before I started my healing journey, I had a lot of mistaken beliefs, secrets, fears, guilt, and shame that kept me playing small and kept me from living a life that turned me on, a life that felt like a ‘fuck yes!’

A lot of those fears and inadequacies were related to money.

I believed that rich people were evil, greedy, unethical, and selfish, and that money was not a key ingredient in the recipe for happiness.

I believed that $2,500 was A LOT of money and that because money didn’t grow on trees, it was hard to come by. I believed money changed those who wanted it for the worse and that anyone who was earning mass amounts of money was either lying or doing something unethical.

But then I started learning about money as an energy.

I learned that if I believed money would be hard to earn or that rich people were bad, then I would likely create those exact scenarios for myself when it comes to finances. I would either struggle to make money viewing myself as some kind of martyr (starving artist?) or I would earn the money but immediately spend it so that I wouldn’t become a bad rich person.

I’m not alone in my mistaken money beliefs.

That same phenomenon of rich people being bad, money being hard to earn, is thought to be why so many lottery winners end up spending all of their money and end up going back to work a 9-5 job. Or why we sometimes spend our inheritance in a matter of days when it was intended to last us for years.

Money is emotional.

In fact, 90 – 95 percent of the decisions we make surrounding money are based on psychology, emotions, our life experiences. And our money story? Our beliefs about money? Those are cemented in our minds by age 7.

No wonder so many adults are now working on their mistaken money beliefs, warped money stories, and writing an entirely new money script. We’re realizing that our relationship with money does not have to be challenging because money is an energy.

You don’t just have to take my word for it though.

Join me for a virtual wellness mindset retreat on October 15 (Goddesses only)

I’m so honored to share I’ll be speaking at the October 15 Virtual Wellness Mindset Retreat hosted by Darneisha B!

At this retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from professional health and wellness professionals, finance professionals, including yours truly, all about money, energy, healing, and living a life that feels authentic and good to you.

This all-day retreat will be packed with life-changing information that you will be able to implement in your life immediately. With 2023 right around the corner, this retreat can be your opportunity to “check in” with how you are showing up for life.

…To heal deep wounds.
…To turn pain into purpose.
…To be seen in your raw expression.
…To activate your gifts so you can do what you came to this planet to do.