
Happy Valentine’s Day 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day Lovers!

Valentine’s Day is about more than romance – it’s a celebration of ALL love✨

This means today is about:

  • Love for Self. Taking time to gift yourself chocolate, a walk by the beach, watch a funny movie, meditate, dance, order takeout, go to the doctor/dentist/self love coach.
  • Love for Partners. Thanking our significant other for their unconditional love and support.
  • Love for Children. Gifting kids our time, a fun experience, a flower, a card.
  • Love for Pets. Extra cuddles, an extra long walk.
  • Love for Friends. Thank you for supporting me, for understanding my weird, and for your willingness to stand by me through it all.
  • Love for Coworkers. We get through it together.
  • Love for Community.
  • Love for Planet.

You get the idea.

Allow yourself to bask in the LOVE energy. Sending loving thoughts to ALL, including yourself.

LOVE is the highest frequency. It’s our natural state of being.

Today allow yourself to surrender, if at least for a moment, to LOVE.

Breathe it in. Invite yourself to remember, to experience, to BE love.

TRUST it’s all working out best case scenario. Because it is.

You are fucking worth it. I love you💋