Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Self-Love

Holiday Stress + Healing Workshop

For a lot of people, the Winter Holidays are a very stressful time of year.

From the financial pressure of making sure you have a gift for everyone on your list, to dealing with toxic family members, many of us have simply had enough.

Even if you’ve made the decision to estrange yourself from your family of origin, as so many survivors of familial narcissistic abuse opt to do, you may miss certain holiday traditions or quirks from your childhood.

And if you haven’t yet made the decision to go no contact, you may be wondering how you will survive this unprecedented holiday season that falls during a global health pandemic, a contentious election year, and bubbling racial tension.

Life doesn’t have to be so hard. You were made for so much more than dealing with bullshit during the Holiday Season. You deserve to enjoy the Holidays.

Join me for a two-hour Holiday Stress + Healing Workshop on Sunday, Nov. 22 from 10 AM – Noon Pacific.

You’ll learn tips and tricks to keep you sane during the Holiday Season, no matter how you choose to celebrate.