Hi friends.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the astrology and the impact it is going to have on our lives as 2025 continues to play out. And I wanted to share some thoughts with you…
I became a certified astrologer in 2022 because I felt astrology was an invaluable gift. A few years prior in 2019 I had my world flipped upside down and turned inside out.
I had been married for roughly three months when my PARENTS and siblings gave me an ultimatum essentially: Us or Him. You can read more about my story here.
But for the purpose of this post the point I want to make is that I was so lost and confused as to who I was, what I enjoyed, what made me happy that I felt I had no choice but to turn to the stars to figure out who I was supposed to be before the noise of society filled my head and my heart.
When I looked at my astrology and my human design, it was the most validating way to remember I was worthy and lovable just as I am. I always have been and I always will be. But it was like one of those moments you hear described in movies or stories where someone’s life flashes before their eyes.
The same experience happened to me when I had a full understanding of my natal chart and my human design. Suddenly all of those times where I said exactly what one of my extroverted siblings had said and done, it made sense why energetically that didn’t work for me. It made sense why I had the experiences I had had.
I’m sharing this with you because for the last few years, I have been struggling to figure out how to talk about narcissistic abuse, spiritual life coaching, and relationships, because I don’t want to talk about the past. I don’t want to get bogged down by heavy emotions. I don’t want to constantly talk about people who I realize more and more every day – truly never loved me.
Unfortunately due to generational trauma, I grew up in family relationships that were based more so on what can you do for me? How can you reflect back to me how amazing I am? And the minute you step out of line or do something that is not approved of, you will be knocked off the pedestal you were placed on when you followed every rule to the T.
I’m bringing this up because the Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo was an energy that was clearing out the old, the outdated, the energy, people, places, and things, that are no longer in alignment with our greatest good and the greatest good for ALL. It was also an energy that forced us to recognize duality.
While Virgo is the ruler of the physical body and its axis buddy Pisces rules over the mind, one could argue it’s hard to have a healthy body if you don’t have a healthy mind and vice versa.
It reminds me of the anorexia lessons from health class in high school. Sure, you can look like you have an ideal weight and wear a smaller size if you eat nothing but three almonds and a diet coke, but what about your insides? What about your mind? They are not healthy!
And of course, a lesson I know all too well. You can be in a bigger body, wear a larger, even plus size clothing, and have a healthy mind and healthy insides. Not everything is as it appears to be. And this Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo is kind of helping me better understand this lesson.
I found astrology because I was the target of abuse in a family that experienced narcissistic abuse and other kinds of generational trauma on both my paternal and maternal sides. I found astrology because I was so lost and needed guidance as to where I was supposed to go and who I was supposed to be.
Once I experienced the magic of remembering, I became certified as an astrologer because I wanted to help other people who were lost find themselves too.
I wanted to be the lighthouse near the sea that helps others find the shores in the choppy, stormy waters. I wanted to be a source of light and love for everyone who questioned their lovability and worth.
As the energy of this Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo continues to play out, I’m starting to hear rumblings of gratitude for the beacon of light I’ve been shining.
I’ve been warning since I became an astrologer in 2022 about the end of the U.S. empire. I’ve warned that everything as we know it is about to change. I’ve warned that relationships will break if we are not on the same wavelengths because our mindset is now the biggest game changer.
Over the weekend my refrigerator broke. The cost to repair? Not worth it given the age of the refrigerator, so we were looking at buying a new one and fast because I needed to keep my babies food cold.
Money has been tight but I had just been given the exact amount of money to cover a new refrigerator. I was excited. Grateful. Humbled. I told myself ‘There is more money where that came from.’ And I allowed myself to think about how having a new refrigerator in our recently renovated kitchen would make me feel.
How it would feel to get rid of the refrigerator with the stains and the smells from the family that lived in this house before us. To have a refrigerator that could actually hold more food and keep produce fresh longer than a day or two. To have a refrigerator that didn’t stick out beyond the countertops and make the kitchen feel small.
This wasn’t something that always came easy to me but I have been working on my money mindset, my scarcity mindset, my relationship with money and abundance for the last six years or so. I knew this was a test and I knew it was connected to the eclipse because Virgo rules my 8th house of shared resources, assets, property, and given its naturally ruled by Scorpio, it’s all about transformation and rebirth.
How fitting then that my husband gave me money a few days before this all happened from a bonus he received. I planned to use the money on bills and buying clothes for the kids over the year, but this was a good use too.
My husband is not on this spiritual path that I am. And that’s ok. But when he learned the bad news about the refrigerator, he didn’t have the same reaction I did. I was actually a little nervous to tell him because I knew he was going to be upset and the economy is making it very difficult to not get apprehensive about spending money. But we talked about it.
We talked about how magical it is that he just got this bonus and so we didn’t have to pull from our savings or ask for a loan from a family member or a friend. We handled it.
This energy is still active and will be until around September. But I wanted to check in with you and see how you are feeling. How has this eclipse energy been for you? Did you notice anything sudden happen, especially in the area of your life ruled by Virgo?
Share your Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo stories in the comments below!