astrology Leo New Moon Self-Love

Leo New Moon | Aug. 4, 2024

On August 4, 2024, we have a New Moon in Leo at 4:12 AM Pacific Time.

The Moon will be at 12 degrees and 33 minutes of Leo.

Remember a New Moon is a time in which the Moon and Sun are conjunct in the same sign. Both the Moon and Sun are at 12 degrees of Leo.

A new moon represents the very beginning of a cycle, it’s when we are planting seeds for what we want more of, what we want to cultivate, grow, invite into our life. Or also what we want to let go of so we can make room for something else.

During a new moon, the moon will have a particular flavoring or energy depending on what season we are in astrologically. And we can use that zodiac flavoring to help us create goals, ideas, to make progress on areas of our life that are most supported by that current energy.

On August 4, 2024, we have a New Moon in the astrological sign of Leo.

Leo is the Spark of the zodiac.

Leo’s are the light, the heart-led leaders of the zodiac.

Represented by the lion and ruled by the sun, Leos are fiery passionate individuals who love to party and have a good time, they enjoy being around other people and love to celebrate life and just how awesome it is to be alive, but Leos are also likely to express themselves in dramatic, creative and assertive ways. 

Leo is the natural ruler of the Fifth House, the fifth house is all about creativity, self-expression, children, romance, and affection.

As a fire sign, Leos have a lot of energy and passion, they are initiators, they bring people together by creating, having fun, enjoying themselves. They are natural leaders who do possess a lot of integrity and determination.

But Leos also can be a little self-indulgent, come off a little cocky, that’s just how confident they are in themselves. Leos can be quite determined and usually get their way when they really want to because they don’t mind being dramatic or the center of attention.

Leo energy is very proud or prideful in all they do. So a challenge for anyone with strong Leo placements, if you are a Leo sun, moon or Leo rising, is to temper any tendency for arrogant or egotistical behavior and to instead develop humility and compassion; to learn from it’s zodiac opposite, Aquarius and share their abundant energy freely and enhance the life experience of others around them.

When the sun and moon are both in Leo, it’s usually a sign of Love. Leo rules the heart so this is a time to bring out your heart energy, to focus on what opens your heart.

We also have a few planets retrograde that may be further hammering down some lessons we have yet to fully learn.

For example, Saturn, the fatherly planet, known as Lord of Karma, is retrograde in Pisces. Chiron, the wounded healer, is retrograde in Aries. Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius, making its way to Capricorn for the last time before moving permanently into Aquarius until 2044. Neptune is also retrograde in Pisces.


Carve out some quiet alone-time – even just a few minutes – to be present with your emotions.

  • When inner wounding arises, try hard not to blame or judge yourself or your past, but rather lean in to applying the light of your higher self to the situation.
  • Lean into support from others, whether a trusted friend, or if need be, a professional practitioner. Your healing requires your full attention on your issue.
  • If you find yourself in a reactive modality or angry from a hurt place in an interaction, remember that a silent pause and few deep breaths – or rescheduling – can make all the difference between a quarrel and a constructive conversation.
  • You benefit when you can practice kindness with yourself and others, leading with the acknowledgement that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have in store.

May we all give ourselves the precious gift of self-acceptance and love, no matter where we are on our journeys.

The heart is an incredibly powerful organ.

Did you know the electromagnetic field of the heart is 5000 times stronger than that of the brain?

And the heart contains something like 40,000 brain neurons, so in a way, our heart is our big brain and our brain is our little brain.

Our heart is where we have an emotional – love-based intelligence rather than just a rational intelligence. So it’s not a bad idea to spend some time breathing in and out of your heart space around this full moon, connecting to your heart with a heart hold while meditating or doing breathwork.

Leo New Moon: August 2024 Horoscope

If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here

A Leo New Moon is often a potent energy related to Self Love. We are invited to drop more into our heart. To step into feelings of love, joy, gratitude, peace, and freedom. 

Breathwork will be huge at this time – taking deep breaths in and out of your heart space will feel really helpful and relaxing. Some powerful affirmations at this time are also related to sovereignty and self love. I Am, I exist and I will let my light shine. 

How will this Leo New Moon affect you?

Find which house Leo rules in your natal chart. This will tell you which area of your life you’ll want to set a new intention in.

Be mindful of where you focus your energy at this time. In about six months from now when we talk about the Leo Full Moon, we’ll be harvesting the seeds we planted during this New Moon.

If you have any personal planets or angles around 12 degrees of Fixed Signs: Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio you are likely to feel this Leo New Moon energy the most.

If you are an: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, and/or Aries Rising or Sun: You are likely to enjoy this Leo New Moon the most, as you have natal planets and angles forming harmonious aspects. Take advantage of this positive momentum and set a powerful intention in this area of your life.

If you are a: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and/or Pisces Rising or Sun: This is not the most powerful New Moon for you, as your natal planets are not really activated during the Leo New Moon. However, it’s still important to set an intention in this area of your life as other energy is also at play.

If you are a: Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and/or Scorpio Rising or Sun: You are likely to find this time around the Leo New Moon a bit more turbulent as there are challenging angles with your natal planets. Remember challenges are good for our growth. And before we can welcome new things, we have to get rid of the old energy.

If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here