
Libra Fall Equinox 2022

The Fall Equinox is next week on Sept. 22 or Sept. 23 depending on where you are in the world.

The Fall Equinox always occurs when the Sun enters 0 degrees of the sign of Libra. And in 2022, the sun will enter 0 degrees of Libra happening on Sept. 22 at 11:50 PM Pacific, 2:50 AM Eastern on Sept. 23, 2022.

Why Libra?

Well, the equinox is all about an equal balance of light and dark, day and night. And of all the signs of the Zodiac, Libra represents balance, choices, and is even represented by the symbol of the scales of justice.

The New Moon in Libra will occur on Sept. 25, 2022 at 2:55 PM Pacific, but we’ll get into the energy of that New Moon a little later. For now let’s focus on the energy of the Fall or Autumn Equinox.

The Libra Equinox is all about choices, balance, a see saw, this way or that way. With Mercury retrograde in Virgo, it may feel like we’re going back over the facts and details of our choices. And with the South Node in Scorpio? It’s possible we’re going back over choices that led to shadows, poison, toxicity in our bodies, energy and our world ahead of Scorpio season so that we can purge this energy now.

Virgo is all about facts, details, purification, whereas Libra is all about choices, balance, harmony. This energy combined with the Mercury Retrograde make the energy ripe for re-reading, re-evaluating, re-considering, re-visiting. So it’s possible we’re being invited during the Libra Fall Equinox to re-examine our choices on an individual and collective level. To understand how our choices impact not only ourselves but one another and even the Earth.

Remember the North Node is in Taurus. Taurus rules the body, the Earth, the senses. And the Virgo New Moon in August invited us to start cleansing our bodies, minds, hearts and souls, including through eating a cleaner diet, practicing healthier self-talk and habits, and taking stock really of anything that no longer serves us and letting it go.

The Pisces Full Moon then came in to help us heal and further release our bonds, our emotional attachments, our energetic attachments to energy that is not ours, energy that no longer serves our higher purpose.

In addition to the Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, other energy affecting the Autumn Equinox includes Mars in the dual sign of Gemini and Neptune in the dual sign of Pisces.

Given that the equinox is occurring in the dual sign of Libra, there’s a lot of duality energy at play. With Mercury retrograde in Virgo, it may feel like we’re going back over the facts and details of our choices and our attention, our focus may be all over the place.

Slowing down. Taking time to focus on gratitude, abundance, even if you don’t immediately see it in your surroundings, is going to increasingly be important, especially on or around the Sept. 22/23 Libra Fall Equinox.

If you haven’t already set an intention or considered what healthy habits you want to introduce in your life now would be a good time especially before eclipse season & Scorpio season officially kick off in October.

Remember: as we journey deeper into fall and into winter, it’s an invitation to slow down. To rest and allow all of the healing work we’ve done so far alchemize in our bodies, our hearts and souls. 

One powerful affirmation I’m using at this time: My life is made of magic and miracles.

I hope this helps you find some peace and validation during this time.

As always, Natal Birth Charts, Solar Return Reports, Future Forecast Transit Reports and more are available at elevated aura