Self-Love Spirituality

Libra Full Moon | April 5, 2023 at 9:34 PM Pacific | 16°07’

I am a western tropical astrologer, all of my updates will follow that astrological format. I use the sacred interpretation method meaning your astrological forecast will always be described in the sense that challenges are opportunities, not a form of punishment. And that you have free will, meaning nothing is set in stone, I use astrological forecasts to help give you permission to listen to your intuition and live your best life as your true authentic self.

I use the whole house sign system, meaning your rising sign rules the entirety of your first house and every person has all 12 zodiac energies within them. I use the archetypal energies of the planets, the zodiacs, and history to create something similar to a weather forecast so that you can make plans and validate your emotions based on the kind of energy you are swimming in at this time.  

Of course, I can only give generic forecasts without looking at your unique individual chart. If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer personalized astrological reports like a PDF, this is the most affordable option available on the elevated aura website, and I have one-on-one virtual readings as well, which you can schedule on the elevated aura website. 

Before we dive into the astrological update I wanted to thank you for your patience, prayers and support while I’ve been out healing from pinched nerves in my neck and arms that left me unable to really use my arms normally. I’ve still got some healing to do in order to fully regain the full range of movement in my arms but I’ve been itching to get back to astrology, to elevated aura, to supporting you on your healing journey.

Without further ado let’s get into the Libra Full Moon, the Pink Full Moon, the first Full Moon of Spring, happening on April 5, 2023 at 9:34 PM Pacific Time, so you can adjust that based on your timezone. 

The Full Moon will be at 16 degrees, 7 minutes of Libra, and if we look back, at the end of 2022 and the first part of 2023, this is the seventh of seven full moons in a row all occurring at 16 degrees of their sign. 

The 16th degree is ruled by Cancer, Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and is one of the more emotional, feminine, water signs, so I think that’s a hint that this is going to be an emotionally charged if not emotionally challenging full moon perhaps not necessarily on a personal level but rather a collective level. Remember though when I say challenge, that challenges are not inherently a bad thing. Keep in mind that whenever we have a full moon it’s often emotionally charged because it’s a time of completion, endings, and also new beginnings, which is why a full moon is generally a time for rest, contemplation of where we are now and where we want to go.

And as we journey into a new world, Pluto moving into Aquarius, Saturn moving into Pisces, the eclipse axis switching from Taurus-Scorpio onto the Aries-Libra axis, this is a time of change, of transition, healing, letting go of the past, and moving forward from a heart-led place.

And how poetic that Libra is the harmonizer of the zodiac, the natural ruler of the 7th house which is all about marriage and partnerships. I love this because to me this is a sign, a nod from the planets that even though things may feel chaotic, the planets have our back.

Like Taurus, Libra is naturally ruled by the planet Venus. Venus is the Goddess of love, beauty, and relationships, so it’s not surprising that Libra energy is known for having good taste, elegance and charm. Libra energy seeks out harmony and beauty.  Artistic pursuits of all kinds provide an outlet for Libras’ love of beauty, again another Venusian quality. 

Libra’s natural mode of living is in partnership with others. Intimate relationships are quite important to them, as are issues of social justice, keep in mind that the symbol used to represent Libra in the zodiac is actually the scales of justice. 

Do you know someone or have you ever met someone who goes out of their way to avoid conflict and always seems to act as a mediator because they understand and empathize with all sides of a dispute? That’s Libra energy; it can be annoying when you want someone to validate your point in an argument, but Libras will go out of their way to avoid a quarrel and can struggle to make a decision if they feel unsure as to how this decision may affect others because they can understand different perspectives fairly easily. That’s part of being an air sign. 

Libras forever hope that all parties in a conflict will be satisfied. And given that Libra is the natural ruler of the 7th house, which is all about marriage and partnerships, issues relating to other people, you can see why Libra energy is so diplomatic. Libra energy is people-person energy, but because the shadow side is Aries energy, a more self-focused energy, the shadow side of Libra energy can involve being uncertain as to how you fit into the world of others. 

But as I mentioned the 7th house is the house of marriage and partnerships, so a little fun astrology tip: If you are a male, the zodiac ruling the 7th house of your natal chart often describes the zodiac energy of the marriage partner you seek. So for my husband actually, Taurus rules his 7th house, and I have strong Taurean energy – my sun, moon, mercury and my dominant goddess asteroid pallas athena are all in Taurus. So if you’re female and you are married to a male partner, look at which house rules their 7th house and see if you have that zodiac energy strong in your chart.

Remember astrology is all about permission, it’s not a prison. So if your partner doesn’t have a zodiac sign ruling his 7th house that is dominant in your natal chart, that does not mean your relationship is doomed. keep in mind that astrology is not about predicting the future exactly. 

It’s about probability 

Libra is an air sign as I mentioned before.

The Air element is masculine or yang energy. People with a lot of air placements tend to live in their heads, being logical and scientific, as well as curious about what is around them and detached in their outlook. They dream the world into being with their future-oriented conceptions. They are less likely to take sides, and thus provide the social linkage that can join disparate groups to each other.

But the shadow side of air energy is that thoughts can enter your mind easily; think of your mind like an open window on a windy day without a screen; there’s a lot that can come in; anything and everything really, so it’s important to have some discernment. To figure out is this really what I believe to be true, is this what feels good to my heart, to my gut, or am I being swayed by the opinions of others?

In other words, Libra energy benefits from strengthening their will to act in favor of their higher purpose, which ultimately lies in dedicating themselves to humanity at large. That’s part of the social justice element of Libra energy.

During the time of the Libra Full Moon, the sun is in Aries, the Moon as I mentioned is in Libra, so we are activating the relationship axis. Libra is ruled by Venus but Aries is ruled by Mars, so there is this balancing act going on of concerns about the self vs concerns about others, it’s about asserting our needs and wants, Mars energy, while balancing that out with accommodating what other people in our lives need and want, Venus energy. It’s a balance between feminine energy and masculine energy. 

Active energies at this time include love, humor, creativity, money, but there is also an element of sensitivity and action related to healing relationships, or letting go of unhealthy relationships, of being conscious about the choices we’re making moving forward.

There’s a lot of active Aries energy going on during this Full Moon because a few weeks ago on March 21, 2023, we had the first of two Aries New Moon’s. On April 19, 2023 we will have a second Aries New Moon, a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries, so we’re beginning to switch off the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse axis and move into the Aries-Libra axis. So there really is this dance between Mars and Venus energy, of compassion for ourselves and compassion for others.

Keep in mind that even though Libra rules the house of marriage and partnerships, that relationships, relationship energy is about more than romantic love. It’s about family, children, business partnerships, friends, because in truth we don’t live isolated and alone on this planet. So there is always a balancing act of our ego’s concerns and relating to other people. 

Uranus, Mercury and Venus will both be in Taurus at the time of this Full Moon, Venus in particular feels at home in Taurus because like Libra, Taurus is ruled by Venus. 

Mars has moved out of Gemini after an 8-month stay and is now in Cancer, Jupiter is in Aries, Saturn is in Pisces, along with Neptune, and Pluto is dipping its toes into Aquarius for a few months before it will retrograde back into Capricorn for the last time before it moves into Aquarius until 2044.

Overall there are more easeful, benefic aspects during this Libra Full Moon than there are challenging aspects. The moon is opposite Jupiter, which can make us feel like we need our needs met, particularly emotional needs and comfort, to come from outside of ourselves. The sun is also opposite the moon, as it is during every full moon, but this can cause conflicts in relationships, particularly between close family members, parents, children, and our partner. And we have Mercury forming a square with Pluto which can leave us deferring to other people’s opinions and instincts, and if we’re not careful this energy can actually be quite manipulative, something we may not be aware of until later.

On a more positive note, the sun is conjunct Jupiter which can bring unexpected material success, so perhaps you’ll come into a money windfall randomly. Mercury is forming a sextile with Mars which can help us think and act faster from an analytical and practical standpoint. Mercury is also forming a sextile with Saturn which further aids us in discovering balance and practical solutions to everyday problems. And Venus is forming a sextile with Neptune, aiding us in feeling romance, compassion, and intuition in our relationships. 

Venus is forming a trine with Pluto which allows us to really experience relationships deeply. The shadow side of this aspect is that problems and conflicts can arise if our needs are not met, but the clarity that comes from discovering unhealthy relationships or what’s not working is beneficial in the end. We also have Mars forming a trine with Saturn, giving us the energy to work hard without feeling exhausted. 

If you are a sun or rising Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, especially if you have any aspects or angles around 16 degrees of cardinal signs, Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, you are likely to feel this Full Moon the most. 

How will the Libra Full Moon impact you personally?

Look back at what was going on in your life 3 days before and after the Libra New Moon we had on September 25, 2022. What were you manifesting, where was your focus? Look back at journals, social media, text messages, your calendar, as that will likely give you the best indication of what to expect around this time.

Also look at which house does Libra rule for you? The area of your chart LIbra rules will help illuminate which area of your life is likely experiencing some kind of changes, growth or reflection at this time.

I hope this helps you find some peace and validation during this time. Whatever happens externally at this time, know that you are safe. You are loved. You are divinely guided and supported and I love you. 

As always, Natal Birth Charts, Solar Return Reports, Future Forecast Transit Reports and more are available at elevated aura. You can also book a 1:1 reading with me for a deeper understanding of your chart.

Remember kindness starts within. If we were all to focus inward, to be kind to ourselves, before we started worrying about being kind to anyone else, this world would be such a different place.

Wishing you a blessed and safe Pink Full Moon in Libra.