I am a western tropical astrologer, all of my updates will follow that astrological format. I use the sacred interpretation method meaning your astrological forecast will always be described in the sense that challenges are opportunities, not a form of punishment. And that you have free will, meaning nothing is set in stone, I use astrological forecasts to help give you permission to listen to your intuition and live your best life as your true authentic self.
I use the whole house sign system, meaning your rising sign rules the entirety of your first house and every person has all 12 zodiac energies within them. I use the archetypal energies of the planets, the zodiacs, and history to create something similar to a weather forecast so that you can make plans and validate your emotions based on the kind of energy you are swimming in at this time.
Of course, I can only give generic forecasts without looking at your unique individual chart. If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer personalized astrological reports like a PDF, this is the most affordable option available on the elevated aura website, and I have one-on-one virtual readings as well, which you can schedule on the elevated aura website.
Without further ado let’s get into the Taurus New Moon, happening on May 19, 2023 at 8:53 AM Pacific Time, so you can adjust that based on your timezone.
This Taurus New Moon happening on May 19, is happening at the end of Taurus season. Taurus season ends May 20 and Gemini season begins May 21, so when we have a New Moon at the end of an astrological season, it’s a signal that there is something coming to an end, there’s an energy of closure as well as new beginnings because that’s what New Moons are all about. It’s planting the seeds for what we want to invite into our lives, what we’re working to manifest or create, particularly in the area of our lives that is ruled by Taurus.
Keep in mind that last year, we had eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, so this is the first New Moon in Taurus since the eclipse axis has started to shift from Taurus-Scorpio to the Aries-Libra axis, so to me that just further illustrates that old energy is clearing and new beginnings are on the way.
Before we get into the planets, because there’s a lot of active energy and changes in the sky, let’s talk about Taurus energy.
Taurus is the Lover of the Zodiac. It’s a Feminine energy, ruled by Venus, and is the natural ruler of the second house of the zodiac – so it rules money, wealth, stability, love, the throat chakra, the senses, the physical body, it’s an energy that is about luxury in its most empowered state.
But Taurus also has a shadow side that is stubborn, lazy, frugal, closed minded, rigid, kind of harsh. Taurus is fixed Earth energy so it loves stability, it loves to keep things as is for the long-term, and if changes are afoot, Taurean energy is looking for ways to keep things the same, even though these changes may be in their best interest.
Speaking of changes, there is a lot of planetary movement happening in the sky that for the second half of May, the first part of June, is likely going to feel like a storm. Structures as we know them may crumble, but it appears that this is for our greatest good, to allow the birthing of New Earth to unfold.
Where will the planets be during the Taurus New Moon?
- Sun in Taurus
- Moon in Taurus
- Mercury in Taurus
- Uranus in Taurus
- Jupiter in Taurus
- North Node in Taurus
- Venus in Cancer
- Mars in Cancer
- Saturn in Pisces
- Neptune in Pisces
- Pluto in Aquarius (retrograde)
Jupiter Moves into Taurus
Three days before the May 19 New Moon in Taurus, Jupiter, the great benefic planet is moving into Taurus for the first time in 12 years on May 16. Jupiter has a 12-year orbit, spending a year in each astrological sign, so Jupiter has not been in Taurus since 2011. So think back to what was going on 12 years ago, what was happening for you, particularly in the area of your life where Taurus falls in your chart, you are likely to have an echo now of what was happening then 12 years ago.
If you have your Sun, Moon, Ascendant or natal Jupiter in Taurus, this is likely to be an auspicious period of time for you, Jupiter usually brings positive things, it can expand problems, but it’s known as the great benefic planet for a reason.
Jupiter will be at 0 degrees of Taurus at the time of this New Moon, and it’s forming a square with Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius. The seed of this conjunction will occur on May 17, 2023.
This is an incredibly challenging energy, so if you have planets or angles around 0 degrees of fixed signs, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius, you may feel there is some kind of storm unfolding in your life. But trust everything is unfolding for your greatest good.
Jupiter in Taurus wants increased stability financially, and reliable food access. Pluto in Aquarius is about power to the people, people are angry about the lack of food, the lack of money, and there can be psychological changes on a collective level on what is best for the larger community.
However, remember that Jupiter is an auspicious planet, it has a soothing, lucky energy, so while something may appear to be falling apart, the solution is going to be right in front of us, it’s going to be like okay that path didn’t work out but this is the path I want to take forward, this is what’s going to make me feel safe, and these are the people who are going to help me achieve xy and z.
The last time Jupiter and Pluto were conjunct was late March 2020. It’s possible we’re now being asked to reevaluate how our decisions and mindset worked for us since that time, and how we want to move forward in the future.
Pluto is linked to debt, default, taxes, and Jupiter is likely going to expand that energy. Jupiter is a planet that inflates or expands whatever it touches, what we’re focused on. Taurus rules money, banking, financial institutions, and the last time Jupiter was in Taurus in 2011 there was a major crisis around the US debt ceiling and now there’s another debt ceiling crisis in the United States. So there’s an echo of what happened 12 years ago happening again now.
Pluto is all about exposing hidden, deep down secrets, revealing any corruption, lack of integrity related to whatever sign it’s moving through and Jupiter is likely to blow it all up, bring it out into the open. We also just recently had the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio which is also about revealing secrets that many of us were not aware of, so there could be challenges to our beliefs and values as new information is revealed.
The Pluto and Jupiter conjunction could indicate economic changes at the national level or government level, but it’s also known as the Millionaire’s signature, meaning people individually could become more abundant if they are operating from the heart, operating in service to others.
Challenging & Harmonious Aspects
Adding on to this energy a few days after the New Moon, on May 26, Mars will move into Leo, it’s almost there now, during the New Moon Mars will be at 29 degrees of Cancer. But when Mars moves into Leo, it will square Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter in Taurus, and the Nodal Axis, which is in Taurus and Scorpio.
Mars is fighting for our beliefs. Pluto is exposing secrets and corruption, so we may ask ourselves individually or as a collective: Are we going to stay with the old world or are we going to move with the new world, new ideals, new ways of doing and being?
Jupiter is going to conjunct the North Node on June 1, so there is a potential that our collective destiny, our future vision will expand, and we will be more willing to fight for the good of all.
It’s not all challenging energy during the Taurus New Moon luckily.
Mars in Cancer is forming a harmonious Trine with Neptune in Pisces, and this is an energy that gets things done, it’s about having the faith and the energy to get things done, to materialize a dream that may have previously felt out of reach. This is likely going to apply to Taurean related topics in particular such as food, food supply, how we share food, possibly bringing new ideas or solutions related to food access, money, land, the Earth, and tangible Earth-born materials such as gold and silver.
Venus is in Cancer at the time of the New Moon. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, and there’s a lot of Venusian energy, a lot of activity in feminine signs, so this may indicate that these changes we are experiencing are happening internally before we see them take shape in our external world.
I find this so interesting because we’re beginning to move off the Taurus-Scorpio axis and onto the Aries-Libra axis. Aries and Scorpio are both ruled by Mars, in modern astrology Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto, while Libra and Taurus are both ruled by Venus. The Aries-Libra axis is also all about relationships, it’s known as the relationship axis, so we’re experiencing this cosmic dance of energy between Venus and Mars.
With the heavy Venusian energy we could receive unexpected support – possibly emotionally – from someone we didn’t expect. Or we could discover innovative, creative ideas when it comes to stability related to Taurean topics. So like I said, a lot of focus on nature, the Earth, land, food, agriculture processes, everything tangible that comes from the land.
Because Jupiter is a planet of expansion, inflation, prices of natural organic food could increase. But we can’t forget about Uranus and its unexpected energy. Uranus is in Taurus until 2026, and this planet brings quantum changes, out-of-the-blue changes, so there could be increased food production, increase in food engineering, or we could go back to a more simple biodynamic farming relationship with food. Especially with Pluto in Aquarius, we could see an increase in movements to grow your own food, increased use and value of farmer’s markets, farmers alliances, going back to local networks to access food.
With the Sun, Moon and Jupiter in Taurus, there is an energy that Taurean-ruled topics could blow up, financial institutions, food supply, there can be earthquakes, there can be differences in how we value or use the land. But there’s a harmonious sextile between Saturn and Mercury, so whatever structure is crumbling, have faith that whatever it is we are building or rebuilding has that long-term energy that Taurus loves so much.
Uranus is also at the midpoint in Taurus between the Sun and Moon in Taurus and Mercury in Taurus, so as we’re building new ways of doing and being, we’re able to do so because we have creative, innovative inspiration around how we can best set ourselves up long-term.
So you can see that although Taurus is not exactly an energy that enjoys change, there’s a need to be flexible around this time because rigid thinking doesn’t allow for new pathways, new possibilities to unfold, it doesn’t allow us to find creative solutions.
And we have a Trine between Pluto, the Sun and the Moon, signaling that there is a fundamentally different new beginning unfolding, but people are coming together, there is something to do with community and grassroots movements, and it’s possible the key to bringing everyone together is related to Nature, Mother Earth.
If you find yourself in the astrological storm, grounding is going to be incredibly beneficial at this time. Take time to stand barefoot in the grass, connect with the Earth’s energy.
How will this New Moon affect you on a personal level?
If you are a Sun or Rising, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo, you are most likely to feel the effects of this Taurus New Moon the most, especially if you have planets or angles around 28 degrees of Fixed Signs, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius or Leo.
Make sure to find which house Taurus rules for you in your natal chart to get a better understanding of which area of your life is most likely to undergo changes at this time. And don’t forget to set an intention for what you’re looking to manifest in that particular area of your life.
I hope this helps you find some peace and validation during this time. Whatever happens externally at this time, know that you are safe. You are loved. You are divinely guided and supported and I love you.
As always, Natal Birth Charts, Solar Return Reports, Future Forecast Transit Reports and more are available at elevated aura. You can also book a 1:1 reading with me for a deeper understanding of your chart.
Remember kindness starts within. If we were all to focus inward, to be kind to ourselves, before we started worrying about being kind to anyone else, this world would be such a different place.