Self-Love Spirituality

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio | May 2023

I am a western tropical astrologer, all of my updates will follow that astrological format. I use the sacred interpretation method meaning your astrological forecast will always be described in the sense that challenges are opportunities, not a form of punishment. And that you have free will, meaning nothing is set in stone, I use astrological forecasts to help give you permission to listen to your intuition and live your best life as your true authentic self.

I use the whole house sign system, meaning your rising sign rules the entirety of your first house and every person has all 12 zodiac energies within them. I use the archetypal energies of the planets, the zodiacs, and history to create something similar to a weather forecast so that you can make plans and validate your emotions based on the kind of energy you are swimming in at this time.  

Of course, I can only give generic forecasts without looking at your unique individual chart. If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer personalized astrological reports like a PDF, this is the most affordable option available on the elevated aura website, and I have one-on-one virtual readings as well, which you can schedule on the elevated aura website. 

Without further ado let’s get into the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio, happening on May 5, 2023 at 10:24 AM Pacific Time, so you can adjust that based on your timezone. 

If you noticed this Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse, a penumbral lunar eclipse to be exact, which means we are still in eclipse season. So a lunar eclipse is when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun and in doing so the sun’s light is obscured, which casts a shadow on the surface of the moon. There are different types of lunar and solar eclipse however and when we have a penumbral eclipse it means that the Earth is just barely blocking the sun’s light, so the shadow on the moon’s surface is extremely subtle and easy to miss. Nevertheless, it is still an eclipse and we are still swimming in this intense, potent game-changer energy.

During the time of the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio, the Moon will be at 14 degrees, 52 minutes of Scorpio, the Sun will be at 14 degrees, 57 minutes of Taurus. 

Looking at the chart there are a lot of water elements happening, it’s the dominant element at this time. Water remember is about our emotions, and Scorpio is a water sign like Pisces and Cancer. The moon is ruled by Cancer, so Full Moons tend to be emotional to begin with, but when we have a Full Moon dominant in water, it’s a sign emotions will run high, and when we have a Full Moon in Scorpio, which is all about death, rebirth, transformation, exposing power, secrets, etc. it’s even more emotional. 

During a Lunar Eclipse, it’s possible that someone or something can be eclipsed out of our life. As challenging as this can be, keep in mind that if something or someone does leave your life, it’s likely a sign that it’s for your greatest good. Scorpio is a fixed water sign however, so there is tremendous attachment to emotions, which makes releasing what is no longer serving us more of a challenge, we really don’t want to let go of the familiar. 

At this time, don’t try to fight any changes, just slow down, go with the flow, take deep breaths in and out of your heart space.

Scorpio sees past the facades and appearances we put up; there is nowhere to hide and you may be feeling that right now. You may feel exposed, raw, vulnerable, but this is really about healing. So this may feel like we’re being pushed to release buried emotions and share information that we have kept to ourselves, this may alter some of our relationships and dynamics with those in our lives. It can be a time of crisis, hidden obsessions coming to the surface, a time of purging.

Take deep breaths. Go with the flow of the waves.

Emotions and tempers are going to run high.There may be some value in these emotionally turbulent times – it can be a reminder of how powerful we are, it can also help us clear energy and make room for new energy that is aligned with our greatest good and our destiny.

Speaking of new energy, this Lunar Eclipse is putting the spotlight on power dynamics. Scorpio is about power, it’s the energy of the shaman, the spy, the investigator; ruled by Pluto and Mars, Scorpio energy grabs power, it accesses buried information, insights, keeping things to themselves, it’s the realization that secrets have power after all. This could be a time when we realize that by sharing our emotional burdens, our traumas, this energy no longer holds power over us, we’re sharing the burden. 

Financially there could be fluctuations in the stock market. Hidden information, buried information may come to the surface and affect distribution of power, it could also affect the valuation of companies, politics, resources, and food. We also could learn information buried in our psyche that affects our body. Scorpio rules sex so there could be sex scandals that surface in the news

A lot of transformation, death and rebirth at this time and for the next six months while this energy is active. 

Not only could we experience changes on a personal level, but this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is activating the South Node in Scorpio, so we could collectively be eclipsing energy out of our lives. The south node is what we are collectively shedding, what we are leaving behind, what no longer serves our highest good, the greatest good of all. So you can expect some kind of purge, some kind of ending or letting go on a community level as well as individually.

Where are the planets during the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse?

  • Sun is in Taurus
  • Moon is in Scorpio
  • Mercury is Retrograde in Taurus
  • Venus is in Gemini
  • Mars is in Cancer
  • Jupiter is in Aries
  • Saturn is in Pisces
  • Uranus is in Taurus
  • Neptune is in Pisces
  • Pluto is Retrograde in Aquarius

During the Scorpio Full Moon, Pluto will be retrograde in Aquarius. Pluto went retrograde on May 1, 2023 and will stay retrograde until October 11, 2023, as it moves back into Capricorn for a few months. Pluto will reach the end degrees of Capricorn in June 2023 and will stay in Capricorn until January 2024 when it moves back into Aquarius where it will remain until 2044. 

Mars will be in Cancer during the Full Moon in Scorpio, which Mars does not like to be in Cancer. Cancer is a nurturing, maternal energy, whereas Mars is about action, aggression, fighting for what we believe in, so this could mean that we are likely to fight for family, family values, and find innovative solutions to overcoming childhood trauma, ancestral trauma, and cultural issues around this time.

Given that Mercury is retrograde in Taurus during the eclipse whatever we are fighting for is likely not new, but perhaps we’re finding solutions we didn’t think of before, we’re finding opportunities, having realizations about our own power, the health of the relationships we have, and taking action against whatever internal demons we believe messed up our lives.

Jupiter is in Aries squaring Mars in Cancer, so there is this possibility of having fights, clashes over beliefs, differences in culture. Mars is sextiling Uranus in Taurus so while aggressive fights are possible, it’s also possible that we’ll find original ways to stand up and defend ourselves, to assert our perspective to disrupt the status quo. Mars is also forming a trine to Neptune in Pisces, so the action we are taking to speak our truth is leading us on a path toward healing something, forgiving something.

Nonetheless, be prepared for a few choppy days and try to ride the waves rather than brace against them.There could be rapid developments the week before, the week after this Lunar Eclipse full moon, and that means there could be surprises, including unexpectedly creative ones. 

A few days after the Lunar Eclipse, on May 7, Venus will move from Gemini into Cancer, bringing greater sensitivity and deeper emotions. The Sun is in Taurus and will conjunct Uranus in Taurus on May 9, so we may start to feel not only restless and impatient about these changes in our lives, we may feel very vulnerable, raw, exposed, and thin-skinned.

On May 15, Mercury retrograde will end, allowing you the confidence to take action now on something that came to your realization around the time of the Lunar Eclipse. 

Now because eclipse energy is so dramatic and life-changing, eclipse energy doesn’t always affect us the same way. I want you to also keep in mind that Eclipse energy is like a spiral. It builds off of itself until the cycle completes. 

Eclipses are divided or categorized by Saros Series, so on average eclipses repeat similar themes every 18.5 years or so until the lesson completes. This Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is part of the saros 141 lunar eclipse series. The first time we experienced this particular lunar eclipse energy was August 25, 1608. And every 18.5 years or so we get more and more of this same energy. This energy cycle is expected to complete by February 13, 2492, so we have quite a bit of ways to go. 

The last time we experienced this particular eclipse energy was April 24, 2005. So look back at what was going on in your life around April 2005 especially the spring, early summer 2005. 

If this applies to you or you’re interested from a historical perspective, we also experienced this same lunar eclipse series on:

  • April 13, 1987
  • April 2, 1969
  • March 23, 1951
  • March 11, 1933
  • March 1, 1915

If you have planets or angles around 14 – 15 degrees of fixed signs, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, you are likely to feel this the Lunar Eclipse energy the most. 

We’re beginning to move off the Taurus-Scorpio axis and onto the Aries-Libra axis so we had the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries in April 2023 followed by the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio. Later this Fall, we’ll have the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra followed by the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus. 

Aries and Scorpio are both ruled by Mars, in modern astrology Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto, while Libra and Taurus are both ruled by Venus. The Aries-Libra axis is also all about relationships, it’s known as the relationship axis, so we’re experiencing this cosmic dance of energy between Venus and Mars.

To have a better understanding of which areas of your life are most likely to be affected by eclipse season, find which houses are ruled by Aries, Scorpio, Libra and Taurus. 

Remember Full Moons are when things are peaking, coming to a close, so this could be a time in our life when something is being released, an energy exits our body, relationship, career, or whatever area of your life is being activated by the house that Scorpio rules in your natal chart.

Look at which house Scorpio rules for you in your natal chart to get the best idea as to which area of your life is most likely to undergo changes at this time.

Also look back at what was going on in your life, what people were around you, what issues came to your attention in the last week of August through middle of September 2022, because that is when the transiting nodal axis was reaching the degree of the eclipse that is happening on May 5, 2023, so whatever started, whatever came to your attention, may resurface. It may be an aha moment, oh that was important after all.

Also look back at what was going on around the new moon solar eclipse in scorpio we had on October 25, 2022, week before, week after, so now six months later, things may be culminating, we are reaping the rewards, reaping what was sown at the time of the solar eclipse. 

This penumbral Lunar Eclipse will be most visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, the Pacific, Indian Ocean and Antarctica, which means these regions are likely to feel the impact of the eclipse the most.

If you are a Sun or Rising, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius or Leo, you are most likely to feel the effects of this Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries, especially if you have planets or angles around 14 degrees of Fixed Signs, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius or Leo.

I hope this helps you find some peace and validation during this time. Whatever happens externally at this time, know that you are safe. You are loved. You are divinely guided and supported and I love you. 

As always, Natal Birth Charts, Solar Return Reports, Future Forecast Transit Reports and more are available at elevated aura. You can also book a 1:1 reading with me for a deeper understanding of your chart.

Remember kindness starts within. If we were all to focus inward, to be kind to ourselves, before we started worrying about being kind to anyone else, this world would be such a different place.