Virgo Season kicked off on Aug. 22 and on August 27 at 1:17 AM Pacific time we will have a New Moon at 4 degrees, 3 minutes of Virgo.
Before we dive deeper into what this new moon is bringing to our attention and how we can best use this energy, I wanted to remind you that nothing in astrology is black and white; all energy is neutral; our perception of the energy is what makes it good or bad, or gives it a perceived flavoring of being good or bad; challenging or in the flow;
In that sense, astrology enables us to prepare ourselves to use this energy to serve ourselves in the best, highest way possible. so understand that the energy is never fixed, you have the power to use the highest expression of each zodiac energy or the lowest expression, the shadow side.
With a new moon, we are given an energetic fresh start; a new beginning. And this new moon in August 2022 is ushering in a new season flavored by the zodiac sign of Virgo.
As we enter Virgo season or really any astrological season, one question to ask yourself is how can we best use the energy and make it work for us?
Virgo’s energy is the purist, the symbol for Virgo is that of a virgin because the energy of Virgo is clean, it’s devotional, it’s self love, it’s spirituality; it’s the high priestess in human form, making the body the temple.
Virgo is the natural ruler of the sixth house and the sixth house is all about the body, your service to the world, your day job, physical health, health and wellness, animals, plants, and enemies
Virgo is an Earth sign, meaning it’s slow, sensual, grounding, feminine energy; it’s about balance, fairness, loving people and building solid relationships; but unlike the other Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn, Virgo is mutable energy meaning it’s flexible, changeable, adaptable, it’s about learning, so a shadow side of Virgo’s energy is being indecisive;
Virgo’s Mutable Earth energy is about learning; making changes; changes you want to make and changes you didn’t even believe you could or were possible of changing
In a sense this new moon is asking: What in your life do you want to change? How can you best improvise these changes?
When we entered Virgo season, we entered the Virgo-Pisces energy axis.
Virgo is all about love in action, service to others; it’s the practical application of the spiritual energies of Pisces; bringing these dreamy, ethereal, creative miracles to fruition to our real world.
What do you want to set in motion?
The seeds we plant now at this Virgo New Moon will harvest during the Virgo Full Moon on March 7, 2023.
So think not just about what is happening in your life right now, but what would you like to set in motion?
Where do you want to be in six months from now?
When I start talking to you about the Virgo Full Moon in March 2023 and call your attention back to this moment when we had the New Moon in Virgo in August 2022, what do you want to accomplish? What do you want to achieve? How do you want to feel?
Look and see where 4 degrees of Virgo falls in your chart. Which house does Virgo rule for you? That will give you a hint as to the area of your life where you may want to focus your energy and attention during this next month if not six months.
I want to flag for you that these changes can be small and subtle. Often we are looking for the big thing – the big realization, the big aha, the big clash, the big reveal, the big surprise. But what if it wasn’t a grand big thing? What if it was small? What if it was in the details?
As that saying goes – the devil is in the details; those little details are Virgo energy and we have additional energies at play that are demanding we slow down, soften, listen more than we speak during this time.
Mars in Gemini
On August 20, Mars entered the sign of Gemini and Mars will remain in Gemini for nearly 8 months – which is far longer than its normal two month stay in a particular zodiac sign. And that’s because Mars is going retrograde in the sign of Gemini from October 30 – January 12, 2023. Then Mars will go direct, staying in Gemini until March 2023.

I do have a separate blog post specifically about Mars in Gemini and what this means for you on the elevated aura blog, but in relation to the Virgo New Moon, Mars in Gemini is asking us to slow down and pay attention to our words, our thoughts, how we communicate, and we’re being asked to focus our energy and attention from maybe 10 different projects to maybe one or two. The biggest project being ourselves.
Mars, the planet of action, energy, and fire, is very active under this New Moon, and sometimes this makes us feel a little irritable and stirs up where we may be holding on to fears and insecurities. It can deplete our tolerance levels too, making us short on patience and easily frustrated.
Being aware of this can help you to be more compassionate towards yourself and others if you notice any of these feelings arise and you can remember that it’s not a statement or reflection of who you are, rather it’s just we maybe swam into some murky water and we can just swim any direction and get out of it.
On deeper levels however, Mars often stirs these less pleasant emotions in us when we have unresolved fears and insecurities that are preventing us from speaking our truth and doing what we want to do. Mars can trigger where we have held ourselves back out of fear or insecurity. Essentially, any frustration or irritability we feel can elude to where we have not been standing up for ourselves, following our heart or passions, or staying in our authentic truth.
If you feel yourself getting a little irritable, ask yourself where it may be really coming from and be mindful of taking it out on the wrong people – especially those of you in relationships.
If nothing else, Mars energy can be channeled into physical activity, and with the Moon in Virgo, you could also take this opportunity to do a deep cleaning or reorganizing of your space. To move your body and find a fitness routine, an active regime that helps you clear your mind and release that fiery physical energy Mars gifts us with.
Virgo-Pisces Axis
With this new moon in Virgo, we’re activating Pisces energy as I said due to the New Moon occuring on the Virgo-Pisces axis. This means you may find yourself ready to work on those creative projects you’ve been pushing off. It’s also a great time for healing. Pisces energy is great for healing, creativity and Virgo energy is leveling up to our highest self through spiritual practices. So maybe healthier mindset habits or more tolerance will be something you’ll work on at this time.
Additionally You may find that your words have tremendous power and you now have the courage to say things you’ve been meaning to say for quite some time. Or perhaps you’ve found the language to express your belief in a way that resonates with others more now than it has in the past. Or you find the confidence to publish a creative project like writing a song, a movie script, creating art, writing a book. This is not just possible, but these creative energies are heavily supported while Mars is in Gemini
When we work productively with Mars energy, it can give us the confidence and stamina needed to push past our fears and address what is really troubling us. Combining this with the New Moon in Virgo, we can use the energy to set intentions that are daring and geared to help us push past our fears or perceived limitations.
This will be important to work on now before Mars goes retrograde starting the day before Halloween, through January 2023. Once Mars goes retrograde there will be a slow down in terms of our creative projects. The retrograde may make it feel like you’re walking through mud – it takes twice the effort but you’re hardly making progress. It’s also possible that you may be misunderstood more than ever; that your words come across more harshly than perhaps you intended.
With Gemini being a dual sign – represented by the Twins, our mind and the energy is splitting in so many directions that an idea becomes a belief so quickly in your mind that you may become a martyr for something that really doesn’t make sense or something that you maybe don’t believe in wholeheartedly. Expect to see a lot of this on social media and in political ads/campaigns this fall as Gemini rules social media along with Aquarius and political ads – well, the truth is becoming less and less important. It’s more shock and awe.
But instead of getting caught up in the polarity, the energy is asking us to slow down.
Fall Slow Down
As if we didn’t need another hint to slow down, the seasons are also changing at this time. We’re moving toward the time when the dark outshines the light. The cool air takes over the heat. Fall is an invitation to slow down, to start quieting our minds, our bodies, so we can hear our soul and figure out what we need to shed this latest layer of skin we’ve outgrown. Winter our time of hibernation is a time of integrations, introspection.
Although this step is not the most glamorous or comfortable on a healing journey, it’s a crucial step to rest to implement all of the healing work and energy clearing we’ve been doing into our lives, so that we can step forward in the spring as this new improved version of ourselves that is more authentic and honest because we gave ourself that moment of clarity.
So what if during this new moon, you gave yourself a chance to breathe? To step back and figure out come hell or high water what is important to me? What am I willing to fight for? What do I love? What makes me feel like me? What makes me feel loved and supported?
During this New Moon, Mercury will be in Virgo. Mercury rules both Libra and Gemini; Mercury is a neutral planet that rules how we think, how we communicate, and the way we like others to communicate with us. And Mercury is going to go retrograde during Virgo season, while Mars is in Gemini.
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury goes retrograde starting Sept. 9, but we’re already in the Mercury retrograde pre-phase. That started August 20, the same day that Mars entered Gemini. The Mercury retrograde will complete on Oct. 2, 2022, with the post-phase wrapping up on Oct. 20, 2022.
There are a lot of people who fear Mercury retrogrades, but for many astrologers this is kind of laughable for lack of a better word because Mercury retrogrades happen about every three months and last about three weeks. The most important thing to remember during a mercury retrograde is in the abbreviation for retrograde which is re. Reconsider. Reread. Rethink. Reshare. Reevaluate.
And as far as retrogrades go of the planets, this is not the one to fear. Coming this fall we’re going to have five planets retrograde simultaneously. So that’s where it starts to be more impactful in my opinion.
Immediately following the end of Mercury retrograde we will enter eclipse season with a Solar Eclipse Illuminated New Moon in Taurus on Oct. 25, 2022. We’ll talk more about eclipse season and what that will look like when we get a little closer.
New Moon in Virgo Forecast
This New Moon in Virgo energy will be felt most by those who are either a sun and/or rising sign of Pisces, Gemini, Libra, and/or Sagittarius. These are the signs of duality.
Gemini is the Twins, two separate thoughts
Libra is a dual sign representing balance, scales of justice.
Pisces is a dual sign – two fish swimming in two different directions
And even Sagittarius, it’s symbol is the arrow, but the archer and horse, four feet on the ground are shooting arrows into the sky; ground and sky; earth and air
Essentially we are learning the ability to find creative solutions to any situation you are presented with and to practice that flexible thinking (Mars in Gemini), emotions (pisces), practicality, what can I do differently (Virgo energy), being as flexible as you can.
So meditate, think about which of your habits do you want to change or do you know needs to change?
- Posture?
- Healthy eating?
- Drinking more water?
- Impatience. Becoming more patient?
- Sugar addiction?
- Quick to anger
- Snap judgments
Connect to the plants and animals during this time, that’s Virgo energy; dogs especially let us know and remind us we are never alone. Thank the plants, the fruits, the trees, the vegetables for the nourishment, the nutrients they provide.
And imagine you are holding hands with your soul family around the globe. We are linked arm in arm at this time, sending love to one another, sending love to ourselves, sending love to our Earth. Breathe in and out of your heart space. Send love from your heart to the different parts of your body, to your loved ones, to your enemies, to the collective, to Mother Earth.
Notice I included sending love to yourself. You may find that the Mars in Gemini influence manifests in the form of increased negative self-talk rumbling around our heads – things like we are not young enough, not pretty enough, not thin enough, not smart enough- you get where I’m going. But this is not only false, it creates density in our energy fields that weigh us down and allow more fear, more shame, more low vibrational frequencies to attach to us.
So use positive affirmations at this time to stay in the high vibrational frequencies of joy, peace, freedom, gratitude, love and abundance. I’m actually considering putting post it notes with affirmations around my house – things like
I AM abundant
I live in a world of magic and miracles
The universe constantly and consistently provides for me in all ways, always
This way if I slip – even for a second, I have a way to catch myself energetically. Because we’re moving through some incredibly challenging energy.
Saturn & Uranus Conjunction Oct. 1
We have Saturn square Uranus exact in early October and remember this is game-changer energy and, it will be felt starting late September – This Saturn – Uranus conjunction, it’s the last of three we’ve had since 2020 by the way, is occurring at 18 degrees of Aquarius and Taurus.
Saturn is about the past, rules and regulations, government, centralization, safety
Uranus is about the future, not obeying rules, grassroots and community work; decentralization;
In short, this is an energy that challenges Individual rights and freedoms vs power of the state
I’ve shared a little bit about Uranus in several of my recent podcast episodes and blogs on elevated aura, but essentially this Uranian energy will be highlighted over the next year – in Taurus along with the North Node, really through March 2023. This energy is showing us where we have already outgrown something because Uranus is our highest state of being; we move there in jumps, quantum jumps; And this is not happening to us just on an individual level. We’re moving in the future collective direction (North Node)
It’s an inner process, not just shocking events on the outside. And come March 2023 or at least by fall 2023, we should be harvesting a lot of the spiritual seeds we’ve been planting too, which lines up quite nicely with the Virgo Full Moon.
Uranus Retrograde
Having a healthy, daily routine is going to be increasingly important as this energy amplifies – especially for my fixed signs people so if you are a sun or rising sign of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo, anything between 17-19 degrees of Fixed Signs really, you’re going to feel this restlessness, this energy the most as Uranus is going to station retrograde at 18 degrees of Taurus starting August 24 through January 2023, and will square Saturn in Aquarius at 18 degrees while Uranus is at 18 degrees Taurus on Oct. 1, 2022.
If that sounds familiar, 18 degrees of Taurus if you remember is where Uranus, Mars and the North Node all met when we had that triple conjunction on July 31, Aug 1. This may be challenging energy but keep in mind the point of this energy is to move us from Saturn energy to a higher state of being; Uranus.
Like during the triple conjunction time, we could see earthquakes, volcanos or political economics shocks and changes; big awakenings; big truth coming to light during the next few months as Uranus linked to aviation, Saturn is linked to limitations; lots of airport cancellations, strikes, airport changes, flight changes; aviation disruptions likely to continue.
This energy is also about electricity, power, the internet, could be outages the next few months
And something that I found really cool. There are Sabian symbols representing various degrees of the signs; the symbols were created by a medium, Elsie Wheler in the 1930s, and the symbol for 18 degrees Taurus is a new continent rising out of the ocean – really interesting; Uranus is new; Taurus is the land; new earth? Literally a new continent, new land emerging from the sea. Or is it a metaphor for a new higher frequency of New Earth? Is it both?
I hope this helps you find some peace and validation during this time.
Remember to look and see where 4 degrees of Virgo falls in your chart. Which house does Virgo rule for you? That will give you a hint as to the area of your life where you may want to focus your energy and attention during this next month if not six months.
For me personally, I’m taking full advantage of this energy and am working on softening, slowing down, and eating a cleaner, healthier diet. I’m on week two of low carb, low sugar, low caffeine and I’m hoping to get rid of all of it. Yes, it’s hard, but I also know I need to do this.
Natal Birth Charts, Solar Return Reports, Future Forecast Transit Reports and more are available at elevated aura.
Virgo New Moon Ritual
You will need:
- Cleansing tool of choice
- Three of the following: citrus slices, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, rosemary, thyme, sage, mint, flower petals (dried or fresh), cloves, star anise, cardamom pods, vanilla beans, ginger slices, chamomile buds, lavender buds, tea leaves, sea salt, peppercorns, or any essential oils.
- Large Saucepan filled with water
- Pen and paper
- Soothing music or guided meditation of your choice – I’ve been loving the dolphin sounds healing energy videos on YouTube
1.) Have everything laid out individually on a plate so it can be easily reached. Then, begin cleansing your aura and your ritual ingredients.
As you cleanse your aura, feel free to recite the following-
“I support my body by cleansing and releasing all that blocks me, all that triggers me, all that keeps me in fear. I feel light, I feel open. I know I am love. I know I am Source. I honor the Source energy within. I feel connected to all that there is and all that there ever will be. My energy is protected and clear. My aura radiates strong, pure, and aligned. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
As you cleanse your ingredients/space, please feel free to recite the following-
“I lift the energy of this space, creating room to bring in more love, joy, and gratitude. This space is surrounded by love and light. These ingredients are blessed with love and light. My space is cleansed; my space is filled with abundant, peaceful energy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
2.) Take your first ingredient and place it in your hands. Then bring your hands to prayer position, holding them to your heart or forehead. With eyes closed, program your ingredient with an intention that is geared to supporting your wellbeing. It can be anything that will bring more peace, serenity, and joy into your life. You can state your intention out loud or simply deliver it to the ingredient telepathically. Be sure to thank your ingredient for holding your intention.
3.) Once you have programmed the intention, place your ingredient into the saucepan of water. Repeat this for any remaining ingredients.
4.) Take your saucepan and put it next to you as you do breathwork or mindful meditation.
5.) Once your meditation is complete, take your pan and place it on a very low simmer on the stove. As your pan is simmering, choose one of these journal prompts-
- I can treat my body as a temple by…
- If nothing were holding me back, I would…
- I can invite more passion into my life by…
- I can bring more peace into my life by…
Aim to write for at least 10-20 minutes. Leave your brew on a gentle simmer for as long as you like. You can keep journaling, listen to relaxing music, paint, or do yoga. Allow yourself to enjoy the beautiful smells of your brew and to let it infuse its magic into your soul, your house, and the planet.
6.) Once the water begins to evaporate down, take it off the stove. Wait for it to cool, thank your ingredients, and then discard it all, preferably outside if you can.
Note: if you feel drawn, you can always dry out any herbs or cinnamon sticks you used and feel free to hang on to them or place them on your altar as a representation of your intentions.
Virgo New Moon Blessings!
One reply on “Virgo New Moon”
[…] Pisces; bringing these dreamy, ethereal, creative miracles to fruition to our real world. And the New Moon in Virgo on August 27 was all about healthy habits. What in your life do you want to change? How can you […]