Self-Love Spirituality

You’re Invited: Pisces Full Moon Ceremony

On Sept. 10, 2022, we will have a Full Moon in Pisces ♓ at 2:58 AM Pacific.

The Full Moon will be at 17 degrees, 41 minutes of Pisces on Sept. 10, but the energy will be active +/- 3 days before and after.

I’m hosting a Pisces Full Moon ceremony for anyone who would like to join on Sept. 9 at 6 PM Pacific.

During the ceremony I’ll share a brief astrological update but the bulk of the session is guided meditation and healing breathwork, to use the energy of the full moon to help us let go of energy that no longer serves us, energy that was never ours to begin with.

Take a look back at what was going on in your life on or around March 2, 2022, that was when we had the New Moon in Pisces; similar themes are likely to emerge now.

Seeds you planted back in March may be ready to harvest. Although we do have 5 planets going retrograde, which may delay the rewards a little bit.

Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, Mars & Pluto will all go retrograde starting in September.

Although this month may feel “hot,” it’s looking like just a warm up, a preview to the energetic events we will experience in October and November.

Saturn Square Uranus

On Oct. 1, 2022, Saturn in Aquarius will square Uranus in Taurus. The first time this happened was ~Jan/Feb. 2020. Remember what happened then? We were launched into this collective battle of independence vs power and control.

Saturn is old ways of doing things; it’s government, top down policy, rules and regulations.

Whereas Uranus is all about freedom, decentralization, grassroots energy, lifting from the bottom up.

So expect more clashes to come with freedom vs power & control.

Also Uranus rules aviation, Saturn is about limitations so we could increasingly see issues with flight delays/cancellations.

Uranus also rules internet, electricity, so there could be power outages, blackouts increasing in the next few months.

We’ll also begin another round of eclipse season with a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus on Oct. 25 and a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on Nov. 8.

Interested in learning more?

Join me for the Pisces Full Moon ceremony

Looking for a personalized astrology forecast?

Perhaps you are looking for guidance in the form of a Solar Return (annual astrological forecast) or a transit report – check out what the astrological weather has in store for you, order an astrological report from elevated aura.