Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Self-Love Spirituality

#037 Astrology Saved My Life

From Episode #037 Healing Laughter Podcast by Katie Utterback, CLC

I’ve decided to put astrology at the front and center of my business. So I’ll be offering natal chart reports, solar return reports, relationship reports, romantic compatibility reports on and you won’t need to be working with me 1:1 to purchase one of these in-depth reports.

Another change is that for those who do want to work with me, I’m going to change the structure of my 1:1 sessions and start offering group coaching sessions as well so that together we can create a beautiful community of like-minded souls who are supportive and empathetic of their sister goddesses various traumas and healing journeys.

I’m making this change after serious consideration but the truth is astrology saved my life.

Astrology is about probability and we use the cosmos to give us an idea of what kind of unique energy experience we may have based on the flavoring of the zodiacs and planets at play, but there’s always free will; there’s an empowered expression and there’s a shadow expression. 

And that kind of brings me to my healing journey, to my decision to go no contact, estrange myself from my family of origin.

I chose no contact because I felt like I had no other choice. I literally felt like I would die a soul death – dying from the inside out if I continued to have a relationship with these people because truthfully, even though I laid it all out in black and white for them, they have never apologized, never acknowledged what happened – even almost four years later.

But what fucked me up is that there are people just like me who choose to have a relationship with people who hurt them because you only get one mom, you only get one dad. And so I further felt like something was inherently wrong with me.

Why couldn’t I just be more forgiving? Why couldn’t I just let it go? Why couldn’t I just ____?

I felt like I had been run over by a truck. Like someone had just pulled the face masks off everyone in my family – Scooby Doo style and I realized they were all monsters the whole time. I didn’t know who to trust, I didn’t know who I was and that part really stung.

I didn’t know what music I liked, I didn’t know what my interests were, what foods I liked, who my friends were, what kind of hobbies I had, what my dislikes included, I essentially felt so far removed from myself that even I felt like a stranger to me.

And these last three plus years I’ve been doing the work as you know, but what you may not know is just how often I’ve been turning to my natal chart, my astrological birth chart, for guidance on navigating my way home back to myself. Especially when I made the decision to go no contact, I kept looking for signs, for guidance from something greater than myself that I was making the right decision for myself long-term.

It’s wild but astrology was that sign for me.

I started learning about what it means if you have a planet that is retrograde in your birth chart, particularly mercury, what it means to be born during a mercury retrograde is that sometimes the mother and child struggle to connect, to communicate, to hear one another correctly.

I started to cry. I was born during a mercury retrograde. I started researching more and more.

After playing around with my chart for a few months I decided to study this more seriously and I enrolled in the Astrology course taught by Andrea Dupuis – she’s the resident astrologer for Rising Woman and I am so proud to share that I’m now a Sacred Astrologer – 

Sacred astrology is essentially the same as tropical astrology, but I don’t view any aspect or placement as being negative. One thing that I learned from Andrea that I absolutely agree with now that I use astrology in my everyday life is that astrology is not a prison, it’s permission. Meaning that just because something is expected according to the stars – both good and bad – does not mean it’s guaranteed. 

Originally I wasn’t sure how I wanted to combine astrology with my coaching services, I believe in astrology so much I wanted to be able to offer a reading and natal chart report to anyone and everyone who wanted one, but there’s only one of me.

So I found a solution –

I’m now offering report only natal chart readings to help you deepen your self-awareness and introspection and learn what the celestial skies say about you with your own personalized birth chart and natal report.

Natal Birth Chart Report

These reports are amazingly helpful because they help you remember answers to questions like:

  • Who were you when you came into this world?
  • What strengths do you draw on?
  • What specific challenges do you face?

I’m also offering Solar Return Reports

A Solar Return chart is an astrology chart calculated for the moment when the Sun returns to its exact natal position.

It is a powerful technique for examining the themes and issues that will arise for you during your solar year – the year that runs from birthday to birthday. Often the turning point represented by your birthday time of the year brings a new phase of your life into existence, and the Solar Return chart helps you to examine this new perspective on your life and what your year may bring.

The powerful delineations in this report can be used for forecasting the year ahead or for investigating the dynamics of your current year.

For example, in 2022, I’m actually experiencing a Scorpio Rising, Pisces Moon year even though I was natally born an Aquarius Rising, Taurus Moon. So this tells me I’ll probably come off to the public as someone who works in mysticism or astrology, and it’s an emotional year for me.

I further looked at my chart and solar return report and so I also know that health issues could be on the horizon for myself or a family member, and that my 2022 experience is largely about being a private, supporting role for someone close to me. 

I’m also offering relationship reports and romantic compatibility reports –

just one thing to note about these kinds of reports. All relationships have challenges and the relationships that don’t have challenges? Well often times there is not much substance. It’s kind of like watching a drama or an action movie without any of the action or drama – that’s what keeps you invested, committed, growing together. I don’t want you to get disappointed if you get a moderate relationship score; again this is all about permission, not a prison.

If you haven’t already, you can sign up for my newsletter – Love Notes on elevated aura’s website to make sure you stay updated on my offerings and the latest energy updates.

My newsletter will be the first place I’ll send out upcoming events like full moon circles, and I’ll share energy updates and new podcast episodes with you as well.

Remember kindness starts within. If we were all to focus inward, to be kind to ourselves, before we started worrying about being kind to anyone else, this world would be such a different place.

#astrology #spirituallifecoach #astrologer #trauma #healingjourney #selfhealers