
Hi, Loves

Hi loves! It’s been a minute since I’ve shared a little piece of my world with you, so here’s a reintroduction! 🌿 I’m Katie, a certified life coach, Western tropical astrologer, breathwork practitioner, empath, mama, wife, and survivor of narcissistic abuse. 💫 While my journey has been marked by challenges, it’s also been filled with […]

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Self-Love Spirituality

4 Techniques to Calm Anxiety, Trauma Triggers

Did you know that roughly 1 in 4 Americans is estranged from at least one member of their family of origin? Given that it takes people on average 7 attempts to leave a toxic relationship, that number is likely to increase as more and more people understand their self-worth and how boundaries are necessary to […]

Self-Love Spirituality

Self-Love Challenge 2023

Edit 2/1/2023: The Self-Love Challenge container is now closed so that I can focus my time, energy and attention on those who have chosen to take this healing journey. Learning about what self-love really involves and incorporating it into my daily life has changed my life in the most beautiful ways. Which is why I’m […]

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Self-Love

Holiday Hoover Reminder

If you find yourself dreading spending the holidays with your family of origin because you always leave feeling bad about yourself, or perhaps you find yourself binge drinking to the point you blackout during family holiday get togethers, I have something to tell you that may blow your mind: You are under no obligation to […]

Self-Love Spirituality

Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio Oct. 2022

Welcome to eclipse season! If you have been feeling like you are in some sort of portal right now, if there is something intuitively telling you that your life is about to change in big, dramatic ways, a very special welcome to this Episode where we’re talking about the upcoming Solar Eclipse New Moon in […]

Self-Love Spirituality

Venus Star Oct. 22, 2022

In our natal chart, where Venus is located, both the house and the astrological sign, gives us insight as to the flavoring in which we handle love and money. Our Venus represents how we love, how we show love, how we express our feminine side if we identify as female, and for males, our Venus […]

Self-Love Spirituality

Manifesting Tip: Magic Lamps & Genies

If you found a magic lamp and were granted three wishes, would you ask the genie how they would make your wish come to fruition? Would you bring up all the reasons why it hasn’t worked in the past and why it wouldn’t work in the future? Manifesting works similarly

Self-Love Spirituality

Aries Full Moon | Oct. 9, 2022

Aloha, Namaste, and welcome back to the Healing Laughter podcast. This is the show where we talk about all things related to self-love, manifestation, spirituality, the power of positive affirmations, healing water, astrology, and soul much more.  I’m your host Katie Utterback. I’m an ICF-certified spiritual life coach, a western tropical astrologer, breathwork practitioner, dog […]

Self-Love Spirituality

Monthly Abundance Ritual: September 

1. You will need-a small bowl-handful of cinnamon or peppermint if you have pets-optional add flowers Cinnamon is a strong tool that helps attract lucky outcomes and amplifies high vibrational energies like peace, love, joy, freedom, and gratitude. I mixed peppermint salt with cinnamon and added some dry flowers I already had at home for […]

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Self-Love Spirituality

#037 Astrology Saved My Life

I’ve decided to put astrology at the front and center of my business. So I’ll be offering natal chart reports, solar return reports, relationship reports, romantic compatibility reports on and you won’t need to be working with me 1:1 to purchase one of these in-depth reports. Another change is that for those who do want to […]