
11/1 Self-Love Portal

In numerology, Nov. 1 is a special day because the energy of today is associated with new beginnings, the start of a new chapter, hobby, health routine, relationships, fitness goal, you get it✨

This 11/1 portal stays open until ~11/11

And this year, our November portal gateways are peppered in with the turbulent energy of a new moon in Scorpio, and a Taurus eclipse on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, plus the planetary alignments are 🔥

Secrets are being revealed. The truth is coming out individually and collectively. And we are being pushed to become the highest versions of ourselves if we have not started this process already.

Aka we’re all being asked to alchemize and transform like a Phoenix or a butterfly into the highest, most loving, compassionate beings we truly are at our core 🦋

As we learned in the past few years, there is no such thing as “normal.” Every day you have a chance to start fresh, to experience dramatic surprises – good and bad.

In 2022, we’re being asked to show up completely and authentically as we are at our core. To express who we are, what we like, and what we want without fear, shame or judgment, so that together, our global community will be vibrating in energetic harmony 🎶 ✨

2022 energy arrives Nov. 7🔥💕✨

If you’re looking for guidance and support on your #selflove journey, check out my online self love after narcissistic abuse course or schedule a 1:1 1 session with me💕