Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Self-Love Spirituality

2022 Self Love Challenge

Friends, 2022 has been on my mind for quite some time.

A big reason for my obsessive thoughts on 2022? Well, energetically, 2022 is a year unlike any other year we’ve experienced.

As you may have noticed during the pandemic, how we communicate, how we socialize, how we work, how we take care of ourselves, entertain ourselves, how we think about money (hello, cryptocurrencies and NFT’s), it’s all changing.

Perhaps I am in an echo chamber of life coaches, spiritual coaches, healers, medicine women, empowered men who stand strong in their feminine power. Maybe I’ve surrounded myself with those who have survived trauma, family estrangement, emotional abuse, narcissistic predators for too long. Or…or maybe we’re awakening on this planet in large numbers.

Doesn’t it seem like everyone is sick and tired of bullshit answers like “well that’s just the way it’s always been” or “that’s just how that person is?!”

To me it feels like collectively we are demanding better from everyone – including ourselves. And in order to do better, we must be better at loving ourselves, caring for ourselves, understanding ourselves especially when we are on healing journeys.

This is why I’m bringing back my Self Love Challenge this February 2022.

Each day in February, I’ll share a positive affirmation, meditation, self love exercise, journal prompt or activity with you via a Love Note in your digital inbox.

I’ll also post *some* of the self love challenge content right here on the elevated aura website, but for EXCLUSIVE mirror work and dance video content, you’ll have to *officially* sign up for the Self Love challenge.

Friends, I am on this healing journey just like you. While I do *coach* self love and healing, my role as a coach is not to tell you what to do in order to achieve success or a positive relationship with yourself. Instead I see myself as a teacher, a guide, a mirror that reflects the best parts of you to help you remember your magic, your lovability, your worth, your uniqueness.

As a healer, I struggled in the rough ocean waters on my own, whipped around by currents I didn’t understand. Dragged to depths I didn’t even know existed and shown darkness I was sure would drown me it felt that consuming. But once I surrendered to the chaos, the dark waters became my teachers of light, resilience, strength, determination, and authenticity. It was these lessons that afforded me the buoyancy I needed to make it ashore to the calm, sandy beaches of recovery.

This is where I hold the beacon of light. At the shores of Hope. The Beach of Total Surrender. I hold the light so that you don’t have to struggle in the open seas, battling the whirlpools of currents without a compass like I and others before me did.

I hold the beacon of light so you know you are not alone.

I hold the light so your soul feels safe to remember your true nature AND that you feel empowered to live your life as your true authentic self.

Join me this February for elevated aura’s self love challenge. It’s free. The only cost to you is that you may outgrow old patterns, thoughts, behaviors, and people that no longer serve your higher purpose.

Remember 2022 is all about authenticity. Will you say ‘yes’ to this opportunity to grow, heal, evolve, and learn to unconditionally love the only person who truly is with you for life? You.


does #selflove really make a difference on your #healing journey?! oooh yeah – in BIG and small ways. learn more at #mentalhealth #narcabusesurvivors #spirituality #affirmations #kangen #innerchild #boundaries #coach

♬ Woman – Doja Cat