
Finding Joy in Dark Times

#053: Breaking Generational Trauma & What I Want My Children to Know Healing Laughter

Aloha, Namaste, and welcome back to the Healing Laughter podcast. This is the show where we talk about all things related to self-love, trauma recovery, manifestation, spirituality, the power of positive affirmations, healing water, astrology, and soul much more.  I’m your host Katie Utterback. I’m an ICF-certified spiritual life coach, a western tropical astrologer, breathwork practitioner, proud mama, and wannabe mermaid.  Today on the show I wanted to talk about motherhood. That’s the reason I’ve had to step away from this podcast for most of 2023. I’m recording this at the end of August and my husband and I are expecting our daughter to arrive Earth-side, really any day now. This little coconut is our first human baby, if you’ve been around for a while you know I have a fur baby, who is now four years old. And while everyone has been telling me that having a human baby is an experience, a love unlike anything else, in all honesty I felt myself step up into a more maternal role when we adopted our fur baby Jagger in 2019. So I'm really not sure what to expect or how I will feel. When I went no contact, I wasn’t just thinking about the wellness of my future human children – I was thinking about my fur babies too. So that’s the energy I’m kind of coming from when I say I don’t know how much deeper I can step into becoming the Mother archetype. I feel like I already am her, but then again, we’ll see what happens when my Baby Girl arrives in the next few weeks or so how I feel about the love I have for my fur baby compared to my human baby. So far the only thing that seems different is what I want to teach my daughter vs what I want to teach Jagger. But I’ve also noticed a lot of similarities – namely that i want both of them to know how much their Daddy and I love them, how important they are, how loved they are, how special they are, how smart they are, how perfect they are. It’s so different from how I was brought up and I’m proud of that. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to say when I first meet her and I’m worried about what my face will look like. I hope I’m smiling, I hope she doesn’t think I’m criticizing her appearance the first time we look into each other's eyes. I hope I remember to say something loving to her when she hears my voice for the first time Earth-side.  And as I’ve been thinking about what I want to say to my Baby Girl, not just that first time we meet, but every day, my mind has been flooded with phrases I heard as a child that I never want her or any of my children – human or fur – to hear. Things like: I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it. Abuse?! You think that’s abuse?! I’ll show you child abuse. The people who love you the most will treat you the worst when they need your love the most If you eat that it will go straight from your lips to your hips. You need to have more confidence – you look like a turtle. This was said to me by the way when I was in middle school, right before I got on the bus to school. You’re embarrassing me.  I’m sorry you got your Dad’s farmer arms and thicker body type and your sister got my slender physique You have mental issues. Can you not be so obviously uncomfortable around the child predator? You’re making everyone else uncomfortable Blood is thicker than water If you’re open to sharing, let me know what kind of messages you tell your kids everyday – human or fur – and what the first thing you said to your newborn was, and what kind of messaging or parenting techniques you’re working to leave behind.
  1. #053: Breaking Generational Trauma & What I Want My Children to Know
  2. #052 Super New Moon in Aquarius
  3. #051 Thank You, Harry & Meghan, for Highlighting Toxic Families
  4. #050 Cancer Full Moon | January 2023
  5. #049 Capricorn Super New Moon Dec. 2022

What brings you joy?

What makes you smile?

What makes you feel like yourself?

These are questions I’ve been pondering ever since I overheard my neighbor rewatch his favorite American football team win a championship game.

The level of euphoria was contagious, yet all he was doing was sitting on a couch, watching TV – something many of us overlook as something to be grateful for.

But then I started thinking about how when I was single, all I wanted was someone to watch TV with.

Then when I started dating my now-husband, all I wanted was for him to sit by me on the couch every single day. Now that I have that, I take it for granted.

In this episode, we’re talking about gratitude. How it’s often a foreign concept for survivors of narcissistic abuse and anyone else who is living in survival mode. But when we forget to appreciate our blessings, when we forget to be grateful for the little things in life that we take for granted, that’s when we also seem to be our most miserable. 

The last few years have included a lot of growing pains for us individually and collectively. While some are yearning, longing for a return to normal, those of us who have survived trauma and hardship know that there is no such thing as normal. That once you have an experience or learn something, it doesn’t just go away. We are forever changed – for the good and bad.

What brings you joy? Sending me a voice note, email, or connect with me on social media!

Work with Katie Utterback:

My specialty is helping survivors of Narcissistic Abuse and other toxic relationships learn self-love.

Katie Utterback, CLC is a Certified Life Coach and member of ICF, the International Coach Federation, which is the most recognized association for coaches worldwide. Katie received her coaching certification from the Life Purpose Institute, which is based in San Diego, California, and has been helping healers and leaders become coaches since 1984. Katie is also a Certified Sacred Astrologer and a Temple of Self-Ascension Certified Avesa Breathwork Practitioner, which means that I’m trained and certified when it comes to teaching breathwork and helping you learn how to cleanse your aura – that’s the energy field that surrounds each and every one of us.

Teachable Online Course:

#selflove #healing #innerchildwork #gratitude #grateful #joy #highvibration #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #scapegoat #blacksheep #traumahealing #traumarecovery #emotionalabuse #generationaltrauma #healingpodcast #narcabusepodcast #toxicfamily #toxicrelationships #relationships #love #manifestation #affirmations