Self-Love Spirituality

Solar Eclipse New Moon Taurus April 2022

On April 30, 2022, we have a Solar Eclipse in Taurus AT 10 degrees Taurus

Essentially a Solar Eclipse is an incredibly potent new moon. And on April 30 we have a Solar Eclipse New Moon at 10 degrees Taurus. Eclipse season is something a lot of people get excited about because this is game-changer energy. It’s memorable moments; if you look back at your life, it’s usually during eclipse seasons that we have some sort of new chapter unfolding in our life, or we are closing a chapter.

New Moons are when we plant the seeds for blessings to come. It’s a time in which the cosmos are ripe for planting seeds of what’s to come.

A solar eclipse is more so associated with new beginnings than it is endings. But that’s not to say that endings don’t happen during this time – in order for new beginnings, new opportunities, new relationships, new money to flow into our life, sometimes that means we have to let go of something else we had, we have to make room for the new by clearing out the old.

So if you do experience some kind of harsh, whiplash feeling during these next few weeks, because the energy of the eclipse is most potent the week before and the week after, trust that everything is working out best case scenario. Slow down and ask yourself and the universe: what in me invited this to be? What is this challenge trying to teach me? What skills am I learning as I navigate these new waters?

Eclipse energy is like a spiral. This cycle of this particular eclipse on April 30 doesn’t complete until the year 2700 something but first came to Earth around~850 AD. And around every ~18 years the energy returns and the karmic lesson is repeated on some level. 

eclipse season is essentially that time in which we are forced by the cosmos to try on a new perception of life. To master new skills and challenges that we may not have felt prepared for, but we rise to the occasion if we allow ourselves to get messy and truly experience life. To get up when we fall down and keep going.

What to expect with this April 30 solar eclipse on a personal level? 

Taurus is the Lover of the Zodiac. It’s a Feminine energy, ruled by Venus, and is the natural ruler of the second house of the zodiac – so it rules money, wealth, stability, love, the throat chakra, the senses the physical body, luxury in its most empowered state. But Taurus also has a shadow side that is stubborn, lazy, frugal, closed minded, rigid, kind of harsh. 


On April 30, 2022, we have a Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees, 28 minutes of Taurus. #astrology #spirituallifecoach #healingenergy #kangen #cyclebreaker

♬ original sound – Katie

However this solar eclipse energy does not affect just Taurean energy – if you are a sun, moon, rising/ascendent, if you have planets like mercury, venus, mars, saturn, jupiter, on 10 degrees or within 10 degrees of 10 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo, you are most likely to feel this eclipse energy. I’ll even throw Cancer into the mix because Cancer’s planetary ruler is the moon and the moon is obviously at play here. 

And because eclipse energy is cyclical, look back at what was going on in your life around April 2004. That was the last time we experienced a solar eclipse.

The seeds we plant during the Taurus Solar Eclipse will come to fruition on or before the solar eclipse energy completes sometime on or around Jan. 7-19, 2023, when the nodal axis completes its cycle along the Taurus-Scorpio axis and Taurus will enter 10 degrees of Taurus, just like this Solar Eclipse.

If you have access to a journal, social media posts, photo albums, look through them and try to figure out what was going on in your life around April 2004 because a version or flavoring of that energy is likely to surface during this solar eclipse on April 30.

For a personalized natal chart reading or to work with Katie Utterback, CLC 1:1 to heal from toxic relationships or narcissistic abuse, schedule an appointment at