I have been so inspired these last few weeks by the Ukrainian people. So many Ukrainians of all ages have displayed incredible levels of bravery, strength, and trust in one another as they collectively experience a deep dark trauma that will impact their families for generations. The images of the children and animals in particular […]
Empowered vs Victim Mindset
Empowered vs Victim Mindset Which life are you living? I’m really glad I did! Or I wish I would have… Density has been having its way with me – well, at least trying to. Luckily, I was aware that 2022 would be a year unlike any other and I’ve been preparing spiritually for this War […]
Free Sea Turtle Printable Coloring Page
Coloring has been an incredibly cathartic tool on my healing journey. I love playing with colors and creating something unique. And given all of the current chaos in the world, I wanted to gift you something that I know has helped me. So I’ve created this sea turtle inspired coloring page. My hope is to […]
Happy Valentine’s Day 2022
Happy Valentine’s Day Lovers! Valentine’s Day is about more than romance – it’s a celebration of ALL love✨ This means today is about: Love for Self. Taking time to gift yourself chocolate, a walk by the beach, watch a funny movie, meditate, dance, order takeout, go to the doctor/dentist/self love coach. Love for Partners. Thanking […]
Day #2 Self Love Challenge 2022
What in your life is going really well? What do you want more of? What in your life makes you happy? What in your life makes you feel like you are being authentically you? Today we’re using the power of the New Moon in Aquarius along with the manifesting magic of February to do an […]
Happy February, Happy New Moon, Happy Lunar New Year and Welcome to Day One of elevated aura’s Self Love Challenge Day One of our self love challenge is all about incorporating the ho’oponopono prayer into your daily life. Try saying these four powerful but simple phrases three times a day for at least the next 28 […]
Finding Joy in Dark Times
What brings you joy? What makes you smile? What makes you feel like yourself? These are questions I’ve been pondering ever since I overheard my neighbor rewatch his favorite American football team win a championship game. The level of euphoria was contagious, yet all he was doing was sitting on a couch, watching TV – […]
Jamie Lynn vs Britney Toxic Sibling vs Scapegoat Another day another narcissist outs themselves. Did you know Jamie Lynn originally titled her book “I Must Confess”? I’m discussing the latest drama between an empath (Britney) and a toxic, malignant narcissist (Jamie Lynn) on the Healing Laughter podcast. PLUS trauma scar tissue, CPTSD healing, self love […]
Connected in a web of beauty and dreams. Your reflection is beyond the mirrors. Rather you are reflected in the dancing trees and buzzing bumblebees. You are the blooming orchid, the lotus rising out of the mud. The refreshing desert oasis and the ever so loyal setting sun. There’s a magic in you. Will you […]
Friends, 2022 has been on my mind for quite some time. A big reason for my obsessive thoughts on 2022? Well, energetically, 2022 is a year unlike any other year we’ve experienced. As you may have noticed during the pandemic, how we communicate, how we socialize, how we work, how we take care of ourselves, […]