
Join me for No Plastic November in 2021?

Happy November! It seems like every day, every month, there’s something attached to the day. Like chocolate chip cookie day, ocean day, you get where I’m going with this. 

While some of these “days” don’t seem necessary (I’m looking at you National Hangover Day and National Buffet Day), some really resonate in my heart, mind, and soul, especially those days related to celebrating our planet, our environment, our animal brothers and sisters. 

In November, we’re asked to consider how much plastic we’re using. It’s called #NoPlasticNovember. 

In No Plastic November, we’re being asked to examine how much plastic we’re consuming, how much of our stuff, how much we use, that’s just one-and-done. We’re being asked to try and dramatically reduce or limit our reliance on plastics and disposable items, items that can’t be recycled, so that we can ALL enjoy this BEAUTIFUL planet and all of her Divine Blessings.

This is my THIRD year (what?!) participating in this challenge and I’ve found that this challenge is really inspiring and really pulls you out of your habitual spell of just buying what you know and really pushing yourself to look for a greener, healthier, more sustainable alternative.

Since first participating in this challenge three years ago I have incorporated greener, healthier items into my life and daily routines including:

Last year, with the safety health issues concerning reusing items, we saw an explosion in the use of plastics. Of one and done items. And this year, with my kitchen being unusable at the moment, I thought about giving myself the excuse of a fucked up kitchen to back out of No Plastic November.

In truth, I haven’t been able to cook, bake or easily clean dishes for the last month, and it doesn’t look like the kitchen project will be wrapped up before November ends, or even 2021 ends. It would be so easy for me to not participate given ordering take out or heating up prepared food usually involves a lot of one-and-done trash. 

But I’m sure if I did some research I would find a cleaner, more environmentally friendly way to get through this kitchen project. It’s too important to me, so I have to try. 

The only other option I see for myself is to continue to play small, to not step up and BE the change that I wish to see in the world, but a walking contradiction is not the type of person I’m trying to be. 

So I’m walking my talk. I’m pledging right here, right now, to do EVERYTHING in my power to lower my plastic consumption. To reduce the amount of waste and trash I produce. And to further invest in clean products and tools that can be reused and recycled. 

I’m already committing myself to washing plates, cups and silverware in the sink or bathtub to avoid disposable plates and silverware. 

What kind of #NoPlastic pledge will you commit to? And if you have any ideas on how I can reduce my plastic consumption during this kitchen remodeling project, I’m all ears!