
Libra 2022 Full Moon

On April 16, 2022, we meet the moon at its peak of fullness. Actually the moon reached its peak fullness at 11:55 AM Pacific, nonetheless, the power of this full moon will remain until about four days after, which brings us to April 20.

This full moon is also known as the Heart Moon or the Pink Moon.

The inspiration for this name came from the blooming pink wildflowers the Native populations noticed would always bloom around this time of year. This is why the Pink Moon is associated with symbols of rebirth and renewal. It’s a signal of new beginnings, a new season of life. It’s also known as the Heart Moon. 

This beautiful Full Pink Moon is taking place in the position of Libra—the universal peacemakers, the diplomats of the Zodiac who are represented by the symbol of the scales of balance and justice. The energy of this full moon in Libra is asking us to look within and answer the question: 

  • Where in my life do I feel out of balance?
  • Where in my life do I feel balanced? 

Even if on paper your life seems balanced in all areas, the Libra Moon is demanding – balance and harmony in all ways, in all areas, especially when it comes to relationships – romantic, family, friends, platonic, professional, and your relationship with yourself.

So what this means is that you may find yourself getting into “good” trouble right about now. Perhaps in the past you steered clear of bringing up an issue in order to not disturb the peace – but the message you may get at this full moon may be that it turns out that your effort to  keep the peace didn’t quite work because in silencing yourself you disturbed the peace inside of you. 

As a gift to you now, the full moon is saying:

Do not be afraid to be who you really are despite what is expected of you. It’s safe to set boundaries, it is safe to change, it is safe to express yourself and what you need. 

What I mean by that is that it’s a beautiful time to forgive and ask for forgiveness as well as be honest about what needs you have that are not being met.

Sometimes, when the scales of justice are in the process of finding their way back to the midpoint, there can be a little turbulence when we experience something unfamiliar like setting a new boundary and we are not sure what the consequence will be. However, its necessary for you to be honest with yourself and those around you in order for you to be your best self, to live at your highest expression. It’s kind of like a catch 22.

Keep in mind that most of the people we encounter in this life are mirrors, reflecting back to us the things that we need to work on or celebrate within ourselves. 

And on this Full Moon, there is a strong need for us to learn to love ourselves unconditionally. To feel safe enough to assert ourselves, set firm boundaries, and ensure that the flow of giving and receiving is equalized when it comes to our relationships. 

Think about the various areas of your life – especially your relationships, including the one you have with yourself – and ask yourself what does the balance ratio look like: is it 60-40, 70-30, 100-0, and journal on the question where do I need to bring more balance into my life?

Think of the mantra for this Libra Full Moon as “Something’s gotta give” and we’re being forced on an individual and collective level to find a new way to find harmony in life. To find peace. To find joy. To find gratitude even when life feels heavy.

Now the full moon, and really all cosmic events, have a collective impact, which we just kind of went over, but To figure out the area of your life most impacted by the energy of the full moon, you’re going to want to look to your natal chart and find where Libra and Aries are in your chart.

We had the Aries New Moon on April 1 and this Libra Full Moon on April 16, so we’re on the Aries-Libra axis right now. 

Aries is the natural ruler of the first house, Libra is the natural ruler of the 7th house, so unless you are an Aries rising, you will have different zodiacs ruling your 1st and 7th houses, which will give your energy and experiences a unique flavoring

You can get a free natal chart to learn your rising sign and figure out which houses Aries and Libra rule for you specifically online – just google free natal chart if you don’t have yours already. Or you can always schedule an appointment with me.

the energy of this Full Moon entered our world on or around April 12 and it will remain here until about April 20. So expect to feel the effects of this full moon, including insomnia and lots of dreams, until around the 20th of April. 

Keep in mind that Full Moons are powerful moments of release and they also represent endings whereas New Moons represent beginnings.

Use this Full Moon energy to bring closure to anything in your life that no longer brings harmony.

Trust the wisdom that lives within when it comes to any decisions that need to be made in your life – even if that decision is you need more clarity or more time to make a decision. That’s also a decision to want to know more before making a decision.

This full moon is an emotional one because it’s T-square with Pluto – a T-square takes place when two planets form an opposition (or sit 180 degrees apart from each other)in other words the sun, the moon, and Pluto are forming an energetic triangle aspect with the Sun in Aries, the Moon in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. 

Whenever we have hard aspects between the moon and pluto, we tend to experience a great deal of emotional intensity as both Pluto and the moon represent emotional intensity, as well as shining a light on how power is used, not necessarily our own power, but external power, collective power. 

Pluto tends to show the shadow side of whatever house or zodiac it’s transiting. And as generations, we tend to have Pluto in the same house in our natal charts as our peers so that we collectively as a generation help heal those wounds. 

So what happens when Pluto gets involved? Now that Pluto is in Capricorn, the shadow side of governments and institutions is coming to light, as are sexual secrets and financial misdeeds. This energy is also intensified by the Taurus-Scorpio Nodal Axis.

Some questions for you to journal about: 

  • What kind of balance do you need in terms of your own power? 
  • Do you default to external authority? Or are you ready to take your power back?

Keep in mind when I say are you ready to take your power back, this does not have to be aggressive or violent either – taking your power back. It can be a clear statement of intention. I take my power back. I have a sense of center. I understand my rights. I’m going to get a second opinion. 

On April 12, which was the first day we felt the energy of this LIbra Full Moon, we had a Jupiter Neptune Conjunction at 23 degrees Pisces. This energy will be felt until roughly May 12.

This energy combined with the heavy RELATIONSHIP energy of the Full Moon in Libra is asking us about balance. It’s asking us to go within and figure out where we are giving our power away? Where do we struggle to receive? Where do we over-give? Overshare? Where do we lack balance in our own self care?

Keep in mind this Piscean, ethereal, water, romantic energy is extra powerful because Neptune rules Pisces and Jupiter is the old ruler of Pisces. So you may feel effects from this energy such as:

  • Enhanced imagination
  • Enhanced ability to dream big – the bigger the better
  • Enhanced intuition
  • Enhanced feeling of unity, oneness
  • Feeling others pain & joy just as if it’s happening to you vicariously

Romance will be huge as well. What does romance mean to you?

To me there’s a sweetness, I can’t help but smile when I think of or say the word romance now that I view romanticizing my life as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee at home, hugging a tree, dancing to a favorite song, cuddling with a puppy, a kiss on the forehead from my husband.

Tune into romance – romanticize your life – allow yourself to feel that flow. Allow yourself to feel and experience the joy.

Creative endeavors are exceptionally supported right now as well. Cooking, gardening, artistic endeavors, all of this is supported right now. 

Look for miracles as well – Pisces is all about miracles & rules healing. Miraculous healing is happening right now so be open for stories like tumors just disappearing, or you think a surgery was required but it turns out just a minor operation is needed or nothing at all. Healing frequencies and abilities are being activated in this Jupiter-Neptune energy. Pisces encourages you to believe, to have faith it is possible. Speaking things into existence is also possible right now – law of instantaneous manifestation supported by Jupiter.

I also want to alert your attention to the end of April, early May 2022 because like I said – this is a fiery full moon, a time to alchemize, and that’s because the more grounded you get right now, the easier the end of the month is going to be. 

April 20 – the day the effects of the full moon begin to wane we enter into Taurus season. Taurus rules the neck, throat, voice, and all of the senses. Taurus likes what is comfortable, what is familiar, but we’re about to enter retrograde and eclipse season. This is when we see marriages, divorces, babies, deaths, illness, miraculous healing, new careers, moving houses, a lot of big changes. These changes remember are for your soul’s journey, soul’s highest purpose. 

Sometimes our earthly avatar doesn’t always get it right right away – like I am Katie this lifetime and I actually started out my career in political journalism and I considered working in PR for companies like Monsanto and cargill. I just was that disconnected from myself. So that’s what I mean – big life changes that help you align with yourself so when you look back, you’re actually grateful it happened the way it did. 

We still have a little bit before this all happens, but the energy is starting to arrive for the eclipses. And same with the planetary retrogrades. 

On April 25, we will start the pre-phase of the upcoming Mercury retrograde meaning we’ll start to feel a need to revisit, reexamine, reexplain, mercury controls communication and technology. And it has a really bad wrap, but unnecessarily so – it’s just about slowing down and making sure you understand the contract you signed, so re-read, re-do, Mercury Retrograde begins May 10

On April 30 we kickoff eclipse season with a solar eclipse. We’ll have a lunar eclipse on May 15/16 and that’s also the same day as the full moon. April 30/May 1 is also the New Moon in Scorpio, so yeah lots of changing energy. 

To be honest, the entirety of 2022 is a hot year energetically speaking, cosmically speaking- it really doesn’t seem like we will see the transformation in our external world until more like October and Taurus and Scorpio will rule the nodal axis points until January 2023.

Nevertheless, keep the faith that your blessings are consistently and constantly arriving. And lean on affirmations like I am at peace with myself, I am at peace with the world. 

I think this Jimi Hendrix quote really summarizes what’s happening energetically quite beautifully: When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.