
New Online Course: Self Love After Narcissistic Abuse

Roughly three years ago, the universe gave me the BIGGEST test I’ve ever been faced with (so far)😂: I had been the target of narcissistic abuse in my family of origin and consequently diagnosed with alphabet stew (anxiety, depression, C-PTSD, ADHD).

In the following weeks after my trauma therapist gave me these diagnoses, it felt like everything I ever knew, everyone I had ever known was all a lie. I felt drugged.

I didn’t know who to trust, who to believe, what was up, down, pink, blue, sweet, sour. So I threw myself into learning anything and everything I could about Narcissistic Personality Disorder, narcissistic abuse, generational trauma, all of it.

I learned nothing would change if I stuck around, so I made the decision to go no contact. I radically accepted that the only person I could heal or change was me so I did exactly that.

I started incorporating inner child work, mirror work, positive affirmations, journaling, shadow work, dance, and meditation into my life, and I found myself peeling layers and layers of trauma, toxic thinking, unhealthy coping and defense mechanisms.

I started feeling better. I actually loved myself and my life for the first time. I felt safe to be me. I felt worthy, even on my bad days. I trusted everything was working out best case scenario – even if I don’t immediately understand how in the moment.

You deserve to feel the same way about your life. I want you to feel safe, loved, understood, and accepted for YOU.

I’ve taken the best tools and techniques I learned on my healing journey, combined it with parts of my 1:1 coaching program, and created an affordable online narcissistic abuse recovery program.

12 hours+ of content, 7 Modules, quantum healing tools, affirmations, and more that I KNOW is life changing✨

First Module is FREE🎉

Learn More: