Self-Love Spirituality

Sagittarius Full Moon | June 3, 2023

I am a western tropical astrologer, all of my updates will follow that astrological format. I use the sacred interpretation method meaning your astrological forecast will always be described in the sense that challenges are opportunities, not a form of punishment. And that you have free will, meaning nothing is set in stone, I use astrological forecasts to help give you permission to listen to your intuition and live your best life as your true authentic self.

I use the whole house sign system, meaning your rising sign rules the entirety of your first house and every person has all 12 zodiac energies within them. I use the archetypal energies of the planets, the zodiacs, and history to create something similar to a weather forecast so that you can make plans and validate your emotions based on the kind of energy you are swimming in at this time.  

Of course, I can only give generic forecasts without looking at your unique individual chart. If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer personalized astrological reports like a PDF, this is the most affordable option available on the elevated aura website, and I have one-on-one virtual readings as well, which you can schedule on the elevated aura website. 

Without further ado let’s get into the Sagittarius Full Moon, the Strawberry Moon happening on June 3, 2023 at 8:41 PM Pacific Time, so you can adjust that based on your timezone. 

During a Full Moon the sun and moon are opposite one another, so the Moon is in Sagittarius at 13 degrees and 17 minutes of Sagittarius, and the Sun is in Gemini at 13 degrees 17 minutes.

Where are the other planets during the Sagittarius Full Moon?

  • Mercury is in Taurus
  • Uranus is in Taurus
  • Jupiter is in Taurus
  • The North Node is in Taurus (Retrograde)
  • Venus is in Cancer
  • Mars is in Leo
  • Saturn is in Pisces
  • Neptune is in Pisces
  • Pluto is in Aquarius (Retrograde)

How are the planets affecting the energy of the Full Moon?

During the Full Moon, the Moon is opposite the Sun indicating a call to balance between our emotions, how we express ourselves, our unconscious, emotional energy, the Moon energy, and our ego, our will, our conscious purpose in life, the Sun energy. With the Moon in Sagittarius the spiritual philosopher and the Sun in Gemini the intellectual, we may find ourselves reframing something we have been over analyzing by looking at the big picture. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is very detail-oriented and chatty, it’s an energy that is looking at all different kinds of perspectives because it’s an air energy. But Sagittarius is a fire sign, it’s passionate and heart-led, it’s optimistic and idealistic, which can sometimes appear to come off as being blunt, just spitting out what we consider to be the truth, what is morally right. But the goal of Sagittarius is to do what is right, to search for truth, honesty, and integrity, to find the best path forward.

During this Full Moon, we may learn new information, details could emerge that help us collaborate and compromise from a logical place. You may find you’re more social, that ideas are being exchanged and accepted more easily, and there just may be this overall feeling of wow things are really a lot easier when everyone communicates in a direct and decisive manner.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is shining a light on truth, particularly things we didn’t know before. Given Sagittarius is related to our belief systems and the law, there could be shocking truths at this time that are revealed. Part of this is because the Nodal Axis is moving out of Taurus-Scorpio axis to the Aries-Libra axis this July, so while the Nodal Axis is nearing this change, more secrets are being revealed, especially related to Taurus-Scorpio topics such as secrets related to money, sex, food supply, the Earth. Uranus is in Taurus at this time. Uranus is an energy of eccentricity, it’s an energy that says expect the unexpected, quantum changes, and to be future oriented so shocking news and disruptions can come to light around food, money, affairs, but we could also see shocks in the form of earthquakes.

Mercury is conjunct Uranus at the time of the Sagittarius Full Moon. Mercury rules how we think, how we communicate, and how we like others to communicate with us, so whatever information bubbles up around this time, whatever details or secrets are revealed may be shocking or totally unexpected but Sagittarius is saying we need to shine a light on this for justice, equality, the law.

The Sun is forming a square with Saturn. Saturn is an energy of responsibility and authority, it’s a serious energy and can feel restricting because Saturn is known as the Lord of Karma. With the sun forming a square with Saturn in Pisces, it feels like there may be obstacles in our way, we may encounter limitations, but the Sun is giving us the energy to keep going, to find innovative ways around these challenges. 

However, given that the Moon is also forming a Square with Saturn, there may be increased feelings of sadness, loneliness and guilt around this time, particularly when it comes to personal relationships. The Full Moon tends to put a spotlight on our personal relationships, our romantic relationships, our relationships with family, friends, and other loved ones, but Saturn may bring an energy that makes us feel restricted and depressed regarding the direction of these relationships.

Adding to this energy is Venus opposite Pluto. Venus is how we handle love and money, how we show love, how we express our feminine side, while Pluto is an energy of transformation, shedding skin, growing and evolving, where we experience big ups and downs. We may feel more impulsive and irrational when it comes to love and intimate relationships, and some people may feel tempted to act on lust, greed and jealousy, having sexual or emotional affairs. This is not everyone, it depends on how the energy shows up in your chart, but I’m just putting it out there that this is a tough love energy in that it’s very intense romance or we may be angry about the seemingly lack of romance and we could find ourselves in a power-balance struggle when it comes to relationships.

There could be new information coming to our attention and someone that felt like the love of our life may share that they felt it was just a whirlwind encounter, or we could find ourselves removing rose-colored glasses only to see our true love as someone who is controlling and bossy.

Luckily we have the Sun forming a harmonious sextile with Mars, which gives us physical strength and resilience to keep going during adverse times. And we have the Moon forming a harmonious trine with Mars indicating that while we may feel very intense energy, we may feel very self-assured and charming at this time, it’s an energy that indicates success.

However Mars is forming a square with Jupiter so while we may be feeling optimistic and confident, Jupiter may be inflating our confidence and the reality is we didn’t have all the facts or we didn’t have all the information we needed to really be successful. So definitely take time to assess things before rushing in whether that be committing to a project or a person. 

Jupiter is also forming a square with Pluto which further incentivizes us to want to achieve success in a big way no matter how big or small the project we’re working on is. So definitely pay attention to what you’re focused on at this time, what are you pouring your energy into, because Jupiter is coming in to help expand our success but Pluto wants to assure that whatever it is we’re focusing on has the greatest good for not only our lives, but for the greater collective.

Venus is forming a trine with Neptune at the time of the Sagittarius Full Moon indicating that when it comes to relationships and creative projects, we’re likely to feel compassionate and generous at this time. I think that’s influenced by the energy of Sagittarius, wanting to find solutions of compromise that are morally right.

Jupiter will be sextile Saturn further indicating that there is an energy around this time where we are able to strike a balance between creating something that is attainable in the 3D world, but is also optimistic and further helping us co-create New Earth, a reality where there is balance and growth. There’s an energy in this transit where we are sharing different perspectives and learning from one another’s past mistakes to create a future that feels secure and full of potential.

Neptune is forming a sextile with Pluto giving us the push to accept new ways of thinking and doing things, it’s a pioneering energy, one that is really related to our spiritual side, our intuition. And I think this is really poetic because the New Moon in Sagittarius we had back in November happened at 1 degree. Whenever we have planets at 1 degrees, it’s an indication we are starting something new because the first degree is ruled by Aries, Aries is the natural ruler of the first house, it’s the first sign of the zodiac, and Aries is a warrior, but Aries has a warrior spirit because Aries energy is the energy that goes first. It’s the pioneering energy that initiates something and moves forward, even if it’s never been done before, even if you have no clue what you’re doing, but you’re listening to your intuition. There’s a trust there, a sense that this is not a fool’s errand.  

So there could be a sense of psychic sensitivity at this time, we may start to realize big dreams, we could start to have communication or dreams with other beings. If you’re not familiar with this energy it can feel destabilizing, but if you stay in your heart, if you breathe in love and peace in and out of your heart space, it may feel really beautiful.

What is Sagittarius Energy Like?

Sagittarius is the spiritual philosopher, the traveler, the teacher of the zodiac, represented by the symbol of an archer because the energy of Sagittarius is looking to the future. It’s setting our sights on something, possibly the future. Sagittarius is the natural ruler of the ninth house which is all about travel, wisdom, philosophy, higher education, law and religion, cross-cultural relations, learning, and ethics. 

Sagittarius is a fire sign, which makes sense given that this Full Moon is dominant in fire energy. Fire energy is fast, it’s passionate, but also sometimes angry, that’s the shadow side. Fire energy is also humorous, energetic, and rules the heart. Sagittarius is a mutable energy which means it’s flexible, it’s adaptable because it’s always learning taking on new information. But that means the shadow side is we can be indecisive.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet known as the great benefic, the most auspicious planet, because it often expands energies of abundance, wealth, good fortune, joy. Jupiter in our natal chart represents our blessings, it’s where we have good luck, where we are meant to expand in life, it’s our spiritual blessings, and where we find joy. 

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is triggering the Sagittarius-Gemini axis which is all about our quest for knowledge and freedom as well as our ability to communicate with various groups of people. So this may be a great time to have discussions and important conversations on topics related to relationships, business partnerships, friendships, community, how you manage money or debts, reconnecting with yourself, releasing old habits that no longer serve you and embracing new healthier routines. It’s essentially a time to be honest with others and most importantly, being honest with ourselves. Sagittarius is here to remind us to be real and tell it like it is.

How will this Sagittarius Full Moon Impact You Personally?

As I mentioned before Sagittarius is represented symbolically by the archer. Back in November when we had the New Moon in Sagittarius I encouraged you to think about: where are you aiming your arrow, where do you have your eyes, where is your focus, where your focus goes, energy flows. 

Look and see which house Sagittarius rules for you – that’s likely to give you the best indication as to which area of your life new beginnings are likely to emerge in.

Also look back at what was going on around the Sagittarius New Moon we had on November 23, 2022, week before, week after, because now six months later, things may be culminating, we are reaping the rewards, reaping what was sown at the time of the New Moon. 

If you are a Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces or Virgo, you are likely to feel the effects of this Full Moon the most, especially if you have any planets or angles around 13 degrees of Mutable Signs – Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces or Virgo.

I hope this helps you find some peace and validation during this time. Whatever happens externally at this time, know that you are safe. You are loved. You are divinely guided and supported and I love you. 

As always, Natal Birth Charts, Solar Return Reports, Future Forecast Transit Reports and more are available at elevated aura. You can also book a 1:1 reading with me for a deeper understanding of your chart.

Remember kindness starts within. If we were all to focus inward, to be kind to ourselves, before we started worrying about being kind to anyone else, this world would be such a different place.