I am a western tropical astrologer, I use the whole house sign system, meaning your rising sign rules the entirety of your first house and every person has all 12 zodiac energies within them. I use the archetypal energies of the planets, the zodiacs, and history to create something similar to a weather forecast so that you can make plans and validate your emotions based on the kind of energy you are swimming in at this time.
Of course, I can only give generic forecasts without looking at your unique individual chart.
If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here.
On April 23, 2024, we have a Full Moon in Scorpio.
The Full Moon in Scorpio will occur at 4:48 PM Pacific, at 4 degrees, 17 minutes of Scorpio. The Sun will be at 4 degrees, 17 minutes of Taurus.
Scorpio Full Moon April 2024 Horoscope
If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here.
How will this Full Moon in Scorpio affect you?
Find which area of your natal chart is ruled by Scorpio. That will tell you which area of your life is being illuminated by this Full Moon in Scorpio.
Scorpio is the natural ruler of the 8th house of sex, intimacy, shared finances, inheritances, taxes, loans, assets, property, joint ventures, goals, mystery, partner’s resources, the occult, the mystical realm, and magic. So there will be a hint of Scorpio’s flavoring in the house it rules for you, even if it’s not the 8th house.
For example, Scorpio is the ruler of my 10th house of career. So it’s not only fitting I’m an astrologer, who works with magic and energies, but I’ve had several deaths and rebirths in my career. Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto, Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, so the house ruled for us by Scorpio is where we can have many births and deaths; we can highly transform in this area of our life.
And that transformation can be emotional, yes, even when Scorpio is involved.
Scorpio is a water sign like Pisces and Cancer. The moon is ruled by Cancer, so Full Moons tend to be emotional to begin with, but when we have a Full Moon in Scorpio, which is all about death, rebirth, transformation, exposing power, secrets, etc. it’s even more emotional, we can just get really good at hiding it.
Scorpio’s emotional energy is like that of a frozen stream. On the surface it appears solid, frozen, unchanging, but underneath, it’s a river of tears, flowing, moving, uneasy.
Once you know the area of your life being illuminated by this Scorpio Full Moon, think back to what was happening in your life around November 13, 2023. That’s when we had the New Moon in Scorpio. Similar themes are likely to emerge, as the seeds that we plant during a new moon are likely to manifest or sprout during the full moon six months later.
Sometimes with a Full Moon, especially in the wake of eclipse season, we can have something unexpected bubble up. I say this because not only are we in the wake of eclipse season, but Mercury is retrograde until April 25 and there is another big energetic event, Uranus-Jupiter conjunction happening on April 20 in Taurus, that are all affecting this energy. So when big things happen, we can see big results in our life and sometimes that can feel scary.
Scorpio is a fixed water sign too, so there is tremendous attachment; we really don’t want to let go of the familiar.
At this time, don’t try to fight any changes, just slow down, go with the flow, take deep breaths in and out of your heart space.
Scorpio sees past the facades and appearances we put up; there is nowhere to hide and you may be feeling that right now.
You may feel exposed, raw, vulnerable, but this is really about healing. So this may feel like we’re being pushed to release buried emotions and share information that we have kept to ourselves, this may alter some of our relationships and dynamics with those in our lives. It can be a time of crisis, hidden obsessions coming to the surface, a time of purging.
Take deep breaths. Go with the flow of the waves.
If you have your Rising Sign, Sun, Moon, North Node, South Node, Mercury, Chiron, Venus, Mars, Midheaven, or IC, and/or if you have any angles between 0-7 degrees of Fixed Signs: Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, you are likely to feel this Scorpio Full Moon energy the most.
If you are a Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra Rising or Sun, you are likely to enjoy this Scorpio Full Moon the most.
If you are a Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo Rising or Sun you are likely to feel ok during this Scorpio Full Moon.
If you are a Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius Rising or Sun you are likely to find this Scorpio Full Moon the most challenging. But remember challenges can be good things for our long term growth.
As always, Natal Birth Charts, Solar Return Reports, Future Forecast Transit Reports and more are available at elevated aura.
You can also book a 1:1 reading with me for a deeper understanding of your chart.
If you want a more personalized energy forecast or reading, I offer various readings here.