Self-Love Spirituality

Self-Love Challenge 2023

Edit 2/1/2023: The Self-Love Challenge container is now closed so that I can focus my time, energy and attention on those who have chosen to take this healing journey.

Learning about what self-love really involves and incorporating it into my daily life has changed my life in the most beautiful ways. Which is why I’m beyond excited to share that I’m bringing back my month-long Self Love Challenge for the third year this February 2023!

The Self-Love Challenge is FREE and open to anyone and everyone interested in bettering their relationship with themselves.

Each day in February, I’ll share a positive affirmation, meditation, self love exercise, journal prompt or activity with you via my Love Notes newsletter in your digital inbox.

I’ll also post *some* of the self love challenge content right here on the elevated aura website, but for EXCLUSIVE mirror work and dance video content, you’ll have to *officially* sign up for the Self Love challenge. Yes, even if you are already subscribed to the elevated aura newsletter, you need to sign up!

Friends, I am on this healing journey just like you. While I do *coach* self love and healing, my role as a coach is not to tell you what to do in order to achieve success or a positive relationship with yourself. Instead I see myself as a teacher, a guide, a mirror that reflects the best parts of you to help you remember your magic, your lovability, your worth, your uniqueness.

This is why I love astrology so much too. It helped me and many others learn to embrace your uniqueness instead of trying to force yourself to be someone you are not.

So if you are ready to live a life that feels like a fuck-yes, authentic life that leaves you feeling high, with your body buzzing and vibrating from all the love and laughter, this Self-Love Challenge is for you!

Did I mention it’s completely free? The only cost to you is that you may outgrow old patterns, thoughts, behaviors, and people that no longer serve your higher purpose.