Self-Love Spirituality

Capricorn Super New Moon | Dec. 23, 2022

Just a few notes before we start talking about the upcoming Capricorn New Moon. I am a western tropical astrologer, I use the sacred interpretation method meaning your astrological forecast will always be described in the sense that challenges are opportunities, not a form of punishment.  I use the whole house sign system, meaning your […]

Self-Love Spirituality

Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio Oct. 2022

Welcome to eclipse season! If you have been feeling like you are in some sort of portal right now, if there is something intuitively telling you that your life is about to change in big, dramatic ways, a very special welcome to this Episode where we’re talking about the upcoming Solar Eclipse New Moon in […]

Self-Love Spirituality

8-8 Lion’s Gate 2022

On this #88#lionsgate portal, my wish is that you remember YOU are the miracle. Say to yourself: I love you and I will care for you. You are safe with me and I will take care of you 💓 Say to yourself: I AM grateful for the abundance of blessings constantly and consistently flowing my way 🌊 […]

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Self-Love Spirituality

#037 Astrology Saved My Life

I’ve decided to put astrology at the front and center of my business. So I’ll be offering natal chart reports, solar return reports, relationship reports, romantic compatibility reports on and you won’t need to be working with me 1:1 to purchase one of these in-depth reports. Another change is that for those who do want to […]

Self-Love Spirituality

Solar Eclipse New Moon Taurus April 2022

On April 30, 2022, we have a Solar Eclipse in Taurus AT 10 degrees Taurus Essentially a Solar Eclipse is an incredibly potent new moon. And on April 30 we have a Solar Eclipse New Moon at 10 degrees Taurus. Eclipse season is something a lot of people get excited about because this is game-changer […]

Self-Love Spirituality

Podcast: 32 Lessons in 32 Years

32 Lessons in 32 Years Aloha, Namaste, and welcome back to the Healing Laughter podcast. This is the show where we talk about all things related to self-love, manifestation, spirituality, the power of positive affirmations, healing water, astrology, and soul much more.  I’m your host Katie Utterback. I’m an ICF-certified spiritual life coach, a western […]


4.4.22 portal ✨

4.4.22 portal ✨ Successful manifestation often requires you to go within your subconscious, to heal subconscious beliefs rooted in scarcity, lack, fear, and other lower vibrational experiences that keep us playing small. This is why trust, completely surrendering, and gratitude are keys to manifesting your dream life. If we don’t subconsciously agree we are deserving […]