Self-Love Spirituality

Aries Full Moon | Oct. 9, 2022

Aloha, Namaste, and welcome back to the Healing Laughter podcast. This is the show where we talk about all things related to self-love, manifestation, spirituality, the power of positive affirmations, healing water, astrology, and soul much more.  I’m your host Katie Utterback. I’m an ICF-certified spiritual life coach, a western tropical astrologer, breathwork practitioner, dog […]

Self-Love Spirituality

8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal

The 8/8 gateway is coming up, also known as the Lion’s portal or the Lion’s gateway.  This is actually an energetic, cosmic event that happens every year on or around August 8, which is why it’s called the 8-8 portal. It happens on the 8th day of the 8th month of the year and it’s […]

Self-Love Spirituality

Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio May 2022

On May 15 or May 16, depending on where you live in the world, we have a Full Moon in Scorpio at 25 degrees. The time of the Full Moon is 4:13 AM GMT on May 16, so that’s 9:13 PM on May 15 Pacific time The total lunar eclipse event will last ~ 90 […]



Connected in a web of beauty and dreams. Your reflection is beyond the mirrors. Rather you are reflected in the dancing trees and buzzing bumblebees. You are the blooming orchid, the lotus rising out of the mud. The refreshing desert oasis and the ever so loyal setting sun. There’s a magic in you. Will you […]