
4.4.22 portal ✨

4.4.22 portal ✨ Successful manifestation often requires you to go within your subconscious, to heal subconscious beliefs rooted in scarcity, lack, fear, and other lower vibrational experiences that keep us playing small. This is why trust, completely surrendering, and gratitude are keys to manifesting your dream life. If we don’t subconsciously agree we are deserving […]


Empowered vs Victim Mindset

Empowered vs Victim Mindset Which life are you living? I’m really glad I did! Or I wish I would have… Density has been having its way with me – well, at least trying to. Luckily, I was aware that 2022 would be a year unlike any other and I’ve been preparing spiritually for this War […]

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Self-Love Spirituality

Your Success Is Inevitable!

What would you do if you knew you would NOT fail?💫Take 10 minutes today either via meditation 🧘‍♀️or journaling 📝and think about what your ideal life looks like.💫Think about👇Where do you live?What do you do for fun?What do you wear?Do you work?What kind of people are you surrounded by?💫Most importantly:How does it feel?!💫You can achieve […]