Self-Love Spirituality

Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio May 2022

On May 15 or May 16, depending on where you live in the world, we have a Full Moon in Scorpio at 25 degrees. The time of the Full Moon is 4:13 AM GMT on May 16, so that’s 9:13 PM on May 15 Pacific time

The total lunar eclipse event will last ~ 90 minutes and will be visible in South America, North America, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Europe, Africa, and the Indian Ocean. During the 90 minute total lunar eclipse itself, the moon will move from Scorpio into Libra. Libra is all about balance. Truth. Harmony. Justice. Energy moving through the cosmos in the right order, restoring the right balance.

This total lunar eclipse is sending us a big message of balance. Where are you in balance? Where are you out of balance? And we’re aided in learning the truth with the Scorpio energy of illuminating the sewage, the mud, the secrets, the dark money, sexual secrets, secrets of the rich and powerful.

The mother eclipse of this total lunar eclipse is known as the Sato 131 eclipse series and it first started on May 10, 1147 and is expected to complete its evolutionary cycle on July 7, 2707. The energy associated with the 131 sato series eclipse is very fiery, very conflict heavy- especially in regards to land and food. The last time we were in the energy of this specific sato series 131 eclipse was on or around May 4, 2004.

Fixed signs at 25 degrees – Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius , or those with their big 3, their sun, moon, rising or if you have planets – Jupiter, mars, neptune, saturn, pluto, at or around 25 degrees, you may feel the effects of this total lunar eclipse more than most. Cancer’s your natural ruler is the moon, so you may feel this as well.

Look back at what was going on in  your life around Nov. 4, 2021 – few days before, few days after. That was when we had the new moon in Scorpio in 2021. 

The eclipse could bring to a close events that occurred or were initiated during the last week of february, first week of march 2022; that’s likely to give you a good indicator as to what to expect.

  • May 10 | Mercury Retrograde in Gemini.

Mercury retrograde happens about every three months and lasts about three weeks. The most important thing to remember is in the abbreviation for retrograde which is re. Reconsider. Reread. Rethink. Reshare. Reevaluate.

  • May 11 | Jupiter Moves into Aries

Jupiter will move from Pisces into Aries until Oct. 28 when Jupiter goes back into Pisces. Then in December on the winter solstice, Jupiter will go back into Aries. The last time Jupiter moved into Aries was June 2010; Jupiter went retrograde in Pisces, and then re-entered Aries around January/February 2011. The Arab Spring happened last time Jupiter was in Aries 12 years ago; it was a very revolutionary period. So perhaps we can expect more of that kind of flavor of energy in the coming months?

Added to this Jupiter in Aries energy and Jupiter’s retrograde into Pisces, is the influence of the Jupiter Neptune Conjunction that started on April 12. Remember that was an event that hadn’t happened for 166 years and the energy lasts until May 11.

So think back to early April the week of April 12: What were you dreaming of during the Jupiter Neptune conjunction? What kinds of big pictures or long-term goals did you create for yourself?

Because Now that Jupiter is in Aries, it’s going to be a lot easier to move toward those goals. So take time to think about what actions can you take to make those dreams reality? Aries helps you step into your power, your bravery.

I hope this helps you find some peace and validation during this beautiful time of healing, growth and transformation. 

If you would like a more personalized natal chart reading or would like to work with Katie Utterback, CLC 1:1 to heal from toxic relationships or narcissistic abuse, you can schedule an appointment here.